Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Daily Journal Begins

I'm not exactly sure where the last 3 months went to, but summer is gone and lord have mercy...I actually have time to work horses.

Those few people that still read blogs will have to forgive me for turning mine into somewhat of a daily journal. I am working horses back into the rotation, without a whole lot of thought and I mostly just want to keep track of what's what until I regain some semblance of a plan.

Shooter is at day 5 and was the first one to return to a regular routine. Mostly because I noticed that he was 'high-stepping' with his injured back leg in the mornings. I suspect that the cooler nights cause some discomfort in that leg due to poor circulation. I got him up and started using a BOT boot on that leg overnight, which seems to greatly help. I figured as long as he has to come in, might as well start working him. He remembered his lunging pretty well. He travels square at a walk, slow trot and lope, going to the left. Going to the right, he is square at the walk, travels off kilter at the trot and breaks into a buck every time he is asked to pick up a lope on the correct hind lead. Compensation soreness in that right hip has bothered him before. Began adding BOT sheet at nights as well. That seems to be relieving some of the soreness and while he still wants to hump and sort of leap into that lead, he is better.

Moon is at day 3 and I am basically just jumping on him bareback and loping him to build up wind. He is a bit tubbier than normal, but has been on pasture and had free movement all this time, so is not horribly out of shape. He feels strong. I am letting him determine how long he is able to lope before losing his air and not forcing him to keep going when he choses to drop out of a lope and start walking. I have learned to give Moon credit for knowing when to say when.

The Big Bay is on day 2 and it was like starting from scratch with him. P-sycho spooky again!! He travels fine to the left on the lunge line. Off kilter to the right and keeps kicking his hip out and refusing to take the right hind lead. Does not seem 'off' in his stifle though, so will work with him awhile before determining if he needs his injections re-upped. Will begin keeping him in as well and using a BOT sheet on him to help loosen up his hips.

Day 1 on Twister (the Canadian horse), saddled fine. Got a little humpy on the lunge line. Scared himself. Made me laugh. He's not a bucker, just fat as a toad and feeling kinda froggy. Lunged out of it fine.


Shirley said...

I would rather follow blogs than Facebook, way less crap to deal with, so I'll always be a die hard blog reader. I like the journal approach- that's pretty much what I do when I'm working a horse because it's really easy to go back and look things up if needed, as well as track progress.
Nice to have you back!

Chelsi said...

Hey! Your journals are always interesting as can learn about good maintenance. I used the BOT on myself after my accident and found it did make a difference. I have boots and hock boots too for the horses. Happy Riding!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

I am back to writing and reading also , a little ways from riding with my surgery coming up, but hopefully that means lots of saddle time next year!I love reading folks riding training journals, great ideas and motivating!