I'm going to start running Moon to the left barrel first.
I've had a couple of horses that I have trained to run to the left first, but have always started everything to the right and only switched for a particular reason...like a horse who is stiffer to the left than the right.
The other day, two things came together in my head...you know...those two brain cells I have...LMAO...
Actually, I had just read an article about Martha...

The other half of my decision hit me when I was working Moon over the trainers. I have always had to work harder to get and keep Moon in the correct body position going to the left. He requires about twice as much work on that side as he does on his right side.
And then it dawned on me...the problems Sears was having with Martha sounded awfully familiar to the problems I am having with Moon. Moon's always been stiffer to the left than to the right and has always kind of wanted to shoulder into 2nd barrel, but as he has gotten older, he has obviously gotten more determined about it.
I never have problems going to the right on him.
Sooo...don't you all think that makes sense?
If I run him to the left, I don't have to open him up going to the 1st barrel and I will be able to get and keep him in frame...and...he only has to make one turn on his not so flexible side.
I cannot believe I didn't figure this out sooner. What a dunce!
Wish me luck, cause I'm going to try it out tonight at the CWBRA Finals race. I just want to see how it will work. Moon's had enough practice going both directions that if I don't open him up, I should be able to put him where I want him. **If I get there early enough, I can practice a little bit to, so he is prepared for the change. ;-)
If it works, I will be thrilled and may have a chance at the NBHA Districts on Saturday. Jeez-it would be nice to get back to being competitive. Now that the season is almost over...LOL.
***And Thank you for the condolences about Mighty Mouse. It sucked, as the friend who had to listen to me sob can testify. He was doing so good and I really thought he was going to live forever, but when he started laying down a lot again and then laying out flat on his side, I knew he was having a full blown laminitic episode and I just could not see letting him suffer through another one. The Fall is a dangerous time of year for problematic horses/ponies. The changing weather really seems to set off their systems.
KICK ASS COWGIRL! I expect news that you and Moon Man cleaned UP with the switch. We'll be pulling for you!!
We'll have to find a substitute for you to smooch from me. Oh! I know! I pick Beretta!!!!!
Big Hugs to you girl. And Megan too.
Good luck with your show! I hope you kick butt!!! My daughter has a gymkhana on Saturday afternoon and is ready to run! I'm so sorry to hear about Mouse. It's always hard to lose them.
Sometimes the answer can vbe staring us right in the face. Hope this is the answer, go clean up out there !
good luck with Moon! I think my mare will be a lefty too, she's super stiff when I try to bend her to the left but works lovely to the right. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
Makes sense & sounds interesting. Good luck with the new direction.
I go to the left also, and when people ask why, I explain it like this. Most people are left or right handed. There are also quite a few ambidextrous folks out there. But invariably, you use one better than the other.
Now my horse has always always always worked better on a right lead. He'll naturally take that if given the choice. So I start with the left barrel, which he gets around pretty decent, then he just kicks around #2 and 3 like it's perfectly natural. He works so much better that way, taking those 2 turns in his stronger lead.
I've noticed a lot more people going left first lately. Be interesting to see how it works for you and Moon. I'll be looking for the report!!
Good luck with Moon, and good thinking!! I sure hope it works and I can't wait to hear the results!!
I go left on both the boys. When I ran Cessa I could go either way with pretty equal results.
Applejack is MUCH better to the left, which is funny 'cuz he's a turn to get the right lead when we're just loping "pretty circles" (lmao)
I tried Voodoo right first, because MOST people train their horses that way (but as you said more and more are going left). Things just weren't clicking and I tried left. Sooo much better. :)
Thought I'd posted this already but I looked and it wasn't there:
Sorry to hear about Mouse. I'm working through trying to figure out if its "That Time" too. :'(
Good thought girl!! Cannot WAIT to hear how it went tonight!! Hopefully well and more to come!!
Well Duh! None of us thought about the switch either!
I hope it goes smoothly!
Sounds promising. I hope it works out. Sorry about the Mighty Mouse.
Awww... so sorry to hear about that cutie Mighty Mouse.. he was mighty to have lived as long as he did. All of us here know how hard you tried to keep him comfortable but we all reach our time. *hugs*
And on the other note... GOOd Luck and turn and burn:)
That going left first sounds like it might really work for your, at least worth a try!
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