Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Riding Posture

I always read the neatest little tidbits in my Barrel Horse News magazine.

As if we didn't have enough reasons to continually work on improving our riding posture...

"Researchers at the University of Rennes in France have found that a rider's poor posture can cause pain in their horse's back.

Researchers concluded that how you ride makes a big difference in your horse's welfare by comparing riding positions of amateur equestrians and the neck positions of their mounts to the kind of back pain those horses experienced while in the stall.

They found that improper riding postures have a strong effect on a horse'sposture at work that leads to chronic vertebral problems."

The mini-article goes on to say that "...high hands and elevated heels tended to cause the horse to maintain a high and often hollow neck position, and that these horses were most likely to have severe back pain."(Barrel Horse News August 2010)

So there ya go folks, all that hard work everyone does to make sure they ride correctly, isn't just for us, it's for our ponies too.


Mikey said...

How about that? That's very interesting. As I grow older, I know posture is an even bigger deal, as I tend to REALLY slouch now. The effort it takes to keep my posture correct is a workout in itself.
Very interesting reading. I'll keep it in mind and try to do better :) for my horses!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Sounds like a good article , and goods to remeber our seat affects more than just us

Melanie said...

Yep...I have heard that before. As someone who grew up doing a lot of showing and taking a lot of lessons, I had that hammered into my head. Not only does good posture and correct equitation look nice, but it is good for the ponies...

PS-Your squirrel is too cute. Do your dogs ever try to get a hold of him, or have they accepted him as part of your pack?

PPS-Jet definitely looks out of place with your chunk-a-monks, but he is very handsome and should do well English. : )

Cut-N-Jump said...

I am trying to improve my posture not only in the saddle, but the seat of the car/truck, when chained to my desk and even when just standing or walking or... yeah, you get the idea. Does wonders for our own backs as well.

Proper posture and proper equitation go hand in hand and a long way to your horses comfort.

GoLightly said...

24/7/365, ladies.

Posture is necessary, always.
(cracks whip)

Why wouldn't your horse be a slouch, if you are, he has to.
He does.
ASK him. You are lighter, and balanced with him, when you are "square".
SO true, sorry for the rant.
Nothing annoys me more than someone all pulled in on themselves. It says "No confidence" to me.