Wasn't it just yesterday when I posted?
Guess not.
We have had some cooler temps around here, the monsoons moved in. I LOVE clouds!! Big, shady clouds.
I will not even complain about the humidity that comes with the monsoons. It just feels wonderful to be back into the high 80's-low 90's.
CdnCowgirl asked what a swamp cooler was? It is this...
As requested, more pics of big Sandy...

And Blackburn...

All well and good, but that doesn't necessarily translate into barrel horse potential, until we sent Sandy to a friend of ours who rides for big ranches in the sandhills of NE. The man glowed when he told us he was never, not once, outrun by a yearling in the pasture. Now that shows speed. Yearling bovine are quite fleet of foot when they throw that tail over their back and head for the hills. Not only could they not outrun the horse, they could not out duck and dive him either. Yea, he'll make a barrel horse. A very deceptive one at that-LOL.
Oh, and lookie here...
Aren't they cute compared to a regular 'large' egg?...
The two remaining hens are only 5 months old, so I was really surprised she started spitting out eggs. The other hen is supposed to lay green eggs.
We never did find a single live chicken after the great break-in debacle. We were a very sad crew around here for a very long time after that. But we will try again next year. We might be minus one dog before that happens, but maybe he learned his lesson.
Yay! Eggs are great!
I remember the days as a youngster having to go down to the chicken pen and collect eggs. Oh how I miss that! Maybe some day I will get some chickens...
Sandy is bulky! And those foundation sires, wow! That is a big butt!
Todays weather? Calling for 120* Heat Index.
Send fluids. We're all melting. I'm leaving the "Chunky Monkey" category behind (sic) in a puddle of melted goo.
Smooch Mouse from me ;)
Hello cowgirl.. I just wanted to pop in and say I am still here and I read your blog "daily".... just too busy with the house and such to always comment, but I love reading and seeing what you're up to. Thanks for the kinds words and suggestions with Ed.. we're trying everything!!!!! horses look great!! and I can appreciate your "taking a break from your new house"... oh to do that, but we are so close to getting in!!! love fresh eggs, my two little gals are doing a good job in the egg department and we have six new babies that should give us goodies next year!!! well.. off to paint.. but hoping your day is awesome!!!!
That Sandy looks like a grand horse and sounds like he can do whatever you set him at . Good mind, good horse, good goly girl ! Knock 'em dead!
Awwwhh! I want chickens! I have been after my Hubby for years to get chickens! So jealous.
And yes very cool eggs - you can't beat that "road cone" orange yoke in the morning - yummy!
Dang girl!!! I know I have said it a hundred times if I have said it once, but you have some fine looking ponies!!!!!
Sandy is handsome and I want to drive out there and bring him home. And I get first dibs, because Chelsi likes mares better...lol!!! Sorry Chels!!! ;)
You guys are always so kind with your compliments about the horses.
They aren't everyone's cup of tea, they are 'cowboy' horses for sure, but we sure have enjoyed them and it's fun to see just how many things they can do.
*elbows Melanie out of the way*
I'll take him but I sure and hell aint gonna call the big ol'bugger Sandy;) LOL
That is the kind of QH that to me will always be at the heart of what makes a QH... bone, substance, power.... a working-mans horse that can get the job done. I like him.
drooling over that motor on Bert...
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