The chiro was out to work on Moon and Bugs again today.
Moon needed both hips adjusted and a single adjustment in his mid-back. I haven't ridden him since we got home, just been doing ground work with him. To get him to stretch through and use his back, I have to run the reins through his cinch and up to the horn. I don't set them any tighter than what it takes to get him to travel with a level neck. He gets a total of 15 minutes, changing direction every 2 minutes. The chiro said that was good for him and to keep doing it. I can ride him if I want, but to keep his work to walking and trotting in straight lines for the next couple of days. He's been on herbal bute and various anti-inflammatories, but am switching him to Equioxx for the next 2 days. We have to get those muscles to relax. I also started him on Adequan and am waiting to hear from the vet when is the best time to start him on Legend as well.
This is when it sucks having to enter a rodeo 2 weeks in advance. Do I run or do I vet out?....
Dunno yet. Guess I will know Friday morning. I'm not running Moon if he is sore. I'll pay the vet out fees and stay home.
Bugs stayed home last weekend after the chiro worked on him for the first time and as soon as I got back and went to get horses out of the pasture, it was obvious he was wayyyy lamer than before.
The chiro worked him over again and said his back was much better than his initial visit, but there is definitely something going on on the right side. He recommended not administering any pain meds, rather to have the vet come check the horse over immediately. The chiro isn't sure what is going on...which is a first...and said that probably the only way to pinpoint where the problem is exactly is to have the vet do blocks on that leg.
Freaking marvelous!! (all sarcasm intended!!)
Oh well, I had planned on staying home next weekend anyway and giving Moon a break. I guess if we have to vet-out this weekend, that just means he will have that much longer to recover and that much more time for the Adequan and Legend to kick in.
The little sorrel?...Who knows. I'm very curious about what is going on with him, but am a little uncertain about how much money it's going to cost to figure it out. Can't really leave him like this...all lame and hurting...but doesn't take long to dump a grand into a horse....
They charge you to vet out? I've never heard of that one before. The shows I know of don't charge you, they probably figure you are paying the vet so why add insult to injury.
Hope Bugs is all right. I'm sure you will let us know what's going on with him.
Have you asked your vet about Robaxin?
Anon...No, but I only briefly mentioned the Equioxx was for Moon's back, didn't really go into detail. But I googled Robaxin (because I had never heard of it) and Holy Crap!!...I am totally going to ask him about it. THANK YOU for mentioning it!!
And Yes, CnJ...There is fees associated with vetting out at pro and semi-pro rodeos. CPRA only charges $14.00 to vet out as long as I provide a vet or chiropractor's release. WPRA does not require a 'doctor's note', but does charge the full entry fee. You are allowed a certain amount of Turn Outs and a certain amount of Vet Outs per year without having to pay an additional fine (over and above the entry fee). :-/
Well rats! Isn't that the way it always goes, either both horses are sound, or both horses are lamed up. Noooo, that is not how having two horses is supposed to work, doggone it. No. Hope they both feel better soon.
Aw dang! Hope it's nothing too problematic with Bugs, and that the time off helps Moon to run really well next time.
NUTS!!! it sucks that they are hurting, hope they all resolve sooner and less $$$ than more
I think I figured out why Moon's back started acting up again...Lack of magnesium.
LOL...Well, that was easily fixed. Hit him with some Hi-Mag yesterday afternoon and last night and this morning he is completely relaxed.
Time to go rodeo!!
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and the babies.
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