Friday, January 28, 2011

I Am Stylish...But A Procrastinator...

So there is fact #1 about me!

A couple of weeks ago, in2paints was kind enough to pass on this award...

And then the indubitable Mrs Mom also tagged me...

Thank you in2paints and Mrs Mom. And to in2paints, I do apologize for taking so long to get this posted. I was working on it....

There are 4 duties to perform to receive this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

Well, unfortunately I am guilty of not actively searching out 'new-to-me' blogs. I sure do like it when I find more great horse people though. It's not 15, but here's the last few people I have recently started reading (besides in2paints)...

Funder, Ranch Riding and a new blog by an 'old' blogger...Show In Style.

I also added Oregonsunshine to my blog roll, but I heard she just got it from someone else. Consider yourself double awarded OS. ;-)

Seven Things About Me....

Oh heaven's why is that hard?

I don't know. I always think of revealing things about yourself as if they are supposed to be deep and complex. And I am not...deep...or complex. So I guess that is fact #2. I do find it rather humorous that I am also a Scorpio and we are supposed to be deep and complex. How does that work?

#3-I used to be very artsy, crafty and sewed a lot. I look back now and wonder where I found all the time and the energy for that? However, I still have kept all of my 'stuff', hauled it all over creation and back and decided THIS year, I am either going to get back into some of it, or get rid of all the odds and ends of stuff that take up space. Which leads me to wonder with as many horses as I have in the program this year, how I am going to find time to do that? Oiy Vey!!!

#4-As far as I know, my grandpa (on my mom's side) and I are the only left-handed people in my family.

#5-I ran my LQ trailer into a parked dump trailer last fall and didn't tell you guys because I felt like an idiot. Oh yea, I wrecked the fender and broke out a window. My Honey was NOT happy when he saw that. :(

#6-Not having to have a j.o.b. seems like a dream come true...but...I find that I lose days and have a hard time staying on schedule. It it wasn't for horses I might be totally worthless.

#7-Hmmmm....I was on a roll....hmmmm (fingers tapping)...

(People always hate me for this one...Sorry guys)...

I am up to 6 gray hairs and I love them. There won't be any hair coloring to make them go away any time soon.


Thanks again for the award ladies!!!


ACountryCowgirl said...

you so deserve a good award:) I love reading your blog!!! Of course you are totally awesome in person to!! If I could give you a big award I would....but it would be hard to choose..sweetest,kindest,fun,caring,etc. etc. Have a great day and enjoy them horses. I am jealous I miss the riding:) Gotta get into more of it:)

Laura said...

Cool award!

I'm a left too - only 3 of us on both sides of the family... It makes us unique, right? :-)

I have to admit that I'm more jealous of the no job bit than the grey hairs! :-)

Kristen said...

oh if only had I had only 6 gray hairs... unfortunately it's more 60! I have to color my hair, I've had this much gray since I was 22!

Rising Rainbow said...

Congrats on your award!

Sorry about the horse trailer. I hate when that happens. I back into a fencepost yesterday. Not just any old fencepost either. This one holds an 8 foot tall chain link gate that is no listing pretty badly. Dave is still shaking his head.

As for those gray hairs Im not sure why you're celebrating unless of course, it's the fact you still have hair to get gray. ;)

Funder said...

Woah, are you me? Also a lefty Scorpio. Also not very deep.

You gotta sew/stitch/craft/whatever in the dead of winter, when it's too gross to go out and it's dark at 4 anyway. I give it up entirely in the summer.

I agree, it's hard to stay on track. And impossible to complain about. :-/

Ms Martyr said...

I was just thinking this morning that I might never get out of bed if I didn't have to feed the dogs and let them outside. Guilt is sometimes my only motivator.

Loved your previous post about the scary spotted cows and killer goats.

One Bad Pixie said...

Rock on there BEC's. You're not the only one to hit something with a horse trailer. Funny how you would think- It doesn't move, I know it is there and still- BAM! and out comes the colorful language....

Every trailer has dents, usually more than one. It's the first one that is a killer- the rest come too easily.

cdncowgirl said...

I find it sooo funny that you didn't "fess up" to us about the trailer til now! But yeah it sucks to hit something.

Oh, and I'm a lefty too!

Cut-N-Jump said...

Thanks BEC. I am working on my post now and may have it done over the weekend... Maybe.

Our trailer is missing the running light on the left fender and has red paint on the center caps of both wheels. The red paint is from the cement posts next to the gas pumps at a station outside of Sacramento.

Our first trip on the road with it and I wanted to get good and close to the pump. Boy did I ever? Hubby wasn't thrilled about that one either. How did you guess?

Mrs. Mom said...

LOL *I* can tell something about you!

Oh. Wait....

You'd have to get even with me then huh?

Hmm.... I think I'll just keep quiet then.
