Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'll Trade Ya

They don't look much like 'killers' do they?...
All racked out on their personal fuzzy blankie, on their personal couch.

Their daily offerings beg to differ...
It's a fair trade right?


Mrs. Mom said...

LOL You were totally not kidding!! HA~

Of COURSE the poor widdwle kitties are racked out- with a body count like that, you KNOW they were working entirely too hard! ;)

PS- thx for popping in at GunDivas and explaining things better for Dreaming. As you know from our chat the other day, my brain is on strike and flipping me the bird. Darn thing...

Unknown said...

Poor things you've been working them too hard :P

Laura said...

hahhaa - that is great. I think my cats are very disappointed that there aren't any creatures for them to hunt in my house.

I would need a nap after all that work too!

Fantastyk Voyager said...

they sure earned the keep last night.

Andrea said...

Girl I need those cats over here!! I have a dead nasty mouse here in my house and I can't find it! Looks like those kitties do their fair share around there!! :)

Mikey said...

Good kitties!!

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Please send those killers my way. I've got a mouse in the wall above my bed that chews and scutters around all night trying to keep me awake. My husband keeps forgetting to pick up some mouse poison to plant. I think it's time to boost a cat into my attic.

SunnySD said...

Gooood kitties!!! I HATE finding mice in the grain bins! They can go be furry, cute little woodland creatures outside if they don't want to be cat snacks! :)

Allenspark Lodge said...

Umm... is that 4 and a HALF?


Danielle Michelle said...

You gave them dinner - they brought you dinner! Lol

Gotta love the kitties!

Chelsi said...

Wow... they did do good! My kitties have never left me more than one (each)... I just do not understand why they must seperate the head from the body! Every once and a while I just get the hind end or just the front end ...which always makes me have a super nasty mental picture of them eating the missing parts! Yuck!

Kristen said...

aw gross! On a positive though at least you know they're doing their jobs!

Crystal said...

good thing you have kitties. Wouldn't want fuzzy mice around too long.

PrairieFarmer said...

Good kitties! Ours have been doing about the same, until recently our fierce "barn kitty," the decapitator of large rats and all things rodent-like, has gone off her game and seems all fat and squishy. And then I caught my mom feeding her milk! Every night! Sheez...the cat has a job to do lady!
My husband had cat (since passed away) that was the best "surgeon" of any cat I've known. She would leave presents ONLY on his side of the bed (thank god). A perfectly presented tail with one hip and leg. A neatly decapitated head. And then my favorites, the organs - heart, liver, bowel - all completely intact, no blood, no sign of body. How do they do that?

Callie said...

LMAO! Pressies!

GunDiva said...

Bill, I count three and a half and some offal.

At least they're doing their job. :)

Our cat likes to bring in the snakes and the squirrels, half a rabbit once, but I haven't seen any mice. I think they eat the whole mouse, but the bigger rodents are too big, so they bring them to share.

Rising Rainbow said...

OH Geez, good kitties. I wish mine would leave their offerings whole instead of half eaten.

The Equestrian Vagabond said...

our cat barely looks at mice. totally not interested. on the other hand, she kills pack rats! (and eats them on the living room carpet). it's a fair trade!
- The Equestrian Vagabond