Thursday, November 4, 2010

Can I Blame It On The Moon?

I'm taking a weekend to myself.

I am just worn down, pissed off and totally depressed over a bunch of stuff.

I need to get away...

So I decided I am going to Arizona this weekend by MYSELF and catch up with friends.


Allenspark Lodge said...


Sherry Sikstrom said...

Alrighty , sure you can , but what?

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Haha-Sorry, I accidentally pushed publish before I actually wrote anything. Frustration does that to a person.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Better to hit publish , than to pull trigger!

GunDiva said...

Um, have a good time?

At least relax and get yourself centered again.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Enjoy ,hope its just what you need . Take care of yourself

Laura said...

Hope you can relax and get feeling back to normal. Enjoy AZ...

Mrs. Mom said...


Or at least give a special hug to Mikey and Mercy from me if you can catch up with them!!

Drive safe and have a good one woman.

Kristen said...

hate that it seems we're all in a funk, I hope AZ helps to work things out for you!

Patches said...

I seem to have a serious case of the blah's lately too. Guess it's just that time of year. Hope AZ treats you well!

Unknown said...

You know, sometimes escape is the best option.


Vaquerogirl said...

A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do !
Hopefully you can'feed your head' and get back home in a better frame of mind!
Arizona is beautiful this time of year!

Chelsi said...

I swear it is the mooon... I know about three people (now four with you) that are having horrible weeks filled with crazy people and bad luck. A friend and I were just talking last night and wondered if it could have something to do with the moon... weird. I really hope you enjoy your "down" time in Arizona and are able to regroup:) Take care of yourself and have fun!

Rising Rainbow said...

Hope you enjoyed your break. I'm with MM, boy do I need one.

Shirley said...

Hope Arizona takes the blahs away- if not, Mikey and company will- no time for blahs there!

alive said...

have a good day. your blog is good.

Callie said...

Hey there, just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the info. I will check some of that stuff out, I have a constant problem with Kola, although I've got her down to a decent weight and haven't had any founder issues, thank God and knock on wood. I use Pallatech (levothyroxine) that I get through Valley Vet, but I will take a look at what you use and maybe give it try or at least keep it handy. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my question. ;)