A hundred miles down the road...beautiful scenery and some fun music...
And I was looking like this...

I have a ton of beautiful scenery photos to sort through. The drive between Colorado and Phx is beautiful country. It's all scenic, but I took the long scenic route. Coming and going-LOL.
It was soooooo good to catch up with some of my friends again. I'm really sorry, but I stuck my camera in my center console out of sight...apparently out of mind as well...once I got to Phx and I don't have any pics of the people I visited. Mikey has a pic of us though. I'm sure she will post it when she updates.
Getting away was just what the doctor ordered and it's a shame that I had to get so furious before I got in the truck and headed such a short way to visit dear friends. I did not get to see everyone I wanted to, but I plan on heading back down that way after Christmas for a longer stay and will then have the time to make my way all the way around the city to visit everyone.
Amazingly enough, when I pulled into my friend, Angie's place and stepped out of the pick-up, it sure didn't feel like it had been 2-1/2 years since I have been there. From the very first time we (the whole family) went to Phx, back in 2002, it has always felt like I belonged there. I have a very strong affinity to that area.
In the meantime...It's back to the grind here. I have a couple of minor things yet to do to the house-install shades, install the new dishwasher (won't be me doing that-LOL) and putting the baseboards back up and we are ready to move in. I thought there was going to be some moving going on this weekend while I was gone...that didn't happen and the 'new' me is just shrugging my shoulders. All I have to move over is my and Megan's personal items. The rest of it...(taking my cue from Chelsi..."gives blank stare and blinks").
Remember what I said about the weather?
Sure enough...rain/snow showers and decidedly cooler temps for the rest of this week. Lovely.
So anyway...I'm back and back to normal...whatever that is...and life goes on.
Glad your time away helped you feel a bit better! Sounds like a nice drive down to AZ from your place.
I'm green with envy. (OK so the green is probably from the coughing, but still-- if I call it envy it sounds better right?)
Glad you had a good breather! Squeeze Megan from me.. had to be kinda weird traveling with out your dancing partner huh? ;)
Sounds like a great trip.
Glad the trip helped! Much better to be smiling!
" Ar change is as good as a rest"- Glad you are refreshed and have a better outlook on things!
Don't forget, you have new friends in Colorado, too!
A road trip is usually good for what ails ya! Taking some time for yourself must have helped, your smile is beautiful!
I LOVE a good road trip!!!
You have such a coy smile my friend! lol Music and an open road are like balm for my soul too... there is nothing like it. You've spoken before about how much you love Pheonix... you see yourself moving there some day in the future? We stayed for a two days back in 06 and I liked it too but am a west coast girl through and through... in Twilight Bella said everything was "too green" (she came from Pheonix)... for me everthing is too brown:)
Oh and glad to have rubbed off a little... it is sooo much easier than wigging out:)
Glad you had a good trip and got to see some friends and relaxed when coming back. Getting away is important.
We were SO glad to finally see you again! It was fantastic! Come back when you can spend more time and go ride!
So maybe on the next trip down here we can meet up and have a few drinks and a bite to eat... No problem and it was great talking to you on the phone!
I may be from here, but I would rather be somewhere else. Someday...
Isn't it funny how good friends can do that for you?
And with true friends it doesn't matter how long you've been gone - you pick right back up where you left off!
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