Saturday, September 18, 2010

Traveling Better

I think Spooks is slowly coming out of his lameness. I have yet to determine if his 'funky' way of moving is due to being sore footed and extremely stiff and out of shape or if he is going to need some chiropractic work.

Please forgive my bounciness-hands and seat...OMG!...This horse is really rough riding and herky-jerky. No cadence to his gaits, whatsoever.

Spooks really struggles to pick up his left lead. At this time, the only way I can get him to pick it up is by rolling him off the fence. Once he is in that lead though, he is actually smoother riding to the left than he is to the right.

I'll be anxious to compare these videos to what I'm hoping he will look like in another month.


Paint Girl said...

Yep, he should be doing much better in a month! I love taking video's then taking another one after a few weeks and comparing them. Seeing the progress is so much fun!

City girl turned Country Girl said...

It doesn't seem to be bothering him...But he sure does appear stiff...I'm sure he will be better in a month!

Mrs. Mom said...

Dude- I want to come ride with you guys so bad it isn't even funny.......

Anonymous said...

He is walking much better than before but stil has a bit of that quick little smackdown at the end of each step! At the lope he is a little more strung out to the right and every now and then the forefoot of the diagonal pair actually grounds a bit sooner than the opposite hind. He didn't do it to the left. I think he has figured out to go slower to the right by 4-beating slightly and thus it is rougher. He scoots along a bit faster to the left and is smoother because the gait is true. If he was mine we would do transitions from the jog and the walk to the lope as well as extending and coming back at the lope. Just my $0.02! ~spotz58

Kristen said...

not too bad.... I wish I could just lope my mare in circles like that. I've just got no trust in her not to explode with the evil bucking. All I do for now is walk and trot and trying to keep her giving her head and bending better. Maybe in a couple of years I can lope again? lol Better not be that long!

Rising Rainbow said...

Hmm, he's really not getting underneath himself like he should. Reminds me of the way Vee was short striding behind after carrying the twins. What's he like in long lines??

GoLightly said...

Ah, he just wants to be english;)
You look great!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Spots-I looked for the front foot hitting before the hind, but I'm not sure if you are referring to it at the trot or canter?

I have to respectfully deny that Spooks 4-beats in the canter. When I asked for the transition (1st video at about 15sec.), he is uncertain of how to transition properly and he stutter-steps up and down until he does pick up the canter but once he picks up his canter, at no time does he 4-beat.

I do think his hind strides are even from the left to the right, which will affect the apparent speed of the canter. But the roughness is coming from, as you noticed, the fact that he is slapping his feet down. All of Spook's action is from the knee and hock down. He is not using his loin or hips and stifle to propel himself forward and he has no extension in his shoulder.

It's going to take a while to get this horse loosened up and engaging with forward impulsion. Right now, he resembles (and feels like) a pogo pony...Up, down, up, down and very stiff.

Location villa said...

I also want to take a ride.Wish that i would be there.