Thursday, September 30, 2010

Keeping Things On A Light Note

Scrat's new favorite treat is...

I know, I know! Not the healthiest of treats...but come on...He's a RAT with a fluffy tail. Rodents are notorious scroungers and scavengers. They eat whever they find in the wild.

He loves using Megan as a jungle gym...


Mrs. Mom said...

*snork* Oh Great-- NOW he is going to have tantrums when he does not get his Doritos fix!! HA~ He'll be beating up Megan in the throes of Nacho With Drawls..... And you'll have to have one of your Magic Little Talks with him again... LMAO

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Too funny, he seems to like to make Meg into a contortionist as well! I see he has you all wrapped nicely around his paw!

GoLightly said...

Oh, hell, we gave a gray squirrel one of my Mom's many inedible sponge cakes. The little bugger was sugar buzzed for weeks. Should have seen him trying to stuff the puffy cake into his mouth..
Thanks for bringing a half-smile to this grumbly face..

OH, ps. I think reining is just as boring as dressage.
so there;)

BUT, the cheering sure makes the reining louder! And way more fun, cause at least the crowd can do it's madding thing..

crap, I gotta cheer up. OH, I'm taping some reining as I type, at home!
More to watch!

lytha said...

good taste!

doritos are my favorite man-made food. i am so thankful that they are available in germany (although not catching on very quickly! i have to seek them out and pay lots, but it's always worth it.)

(btw, my favorite god-made food is watermelon. sadly, seedless watermelon is nearly impossible to find here.)


lytha said...

oh, and doritos are so much healthier than so many other snacks!


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Ahhh, you receive credit for my first giggle of the day. Megan has that squirrel act down to a science.

Mrs. Mom said...

Dude you so gotta go to the LOL animals site- "Acting Like Animals" or some such. Page eight. Scroll down.

Don't let Scrat watch it though--- it's a NINJA SQUIRREL!!


I'll steal a few moments and look up the exact link for you. Thought of you instantly as did Dear Husband, who said, "You gotta show this to BECG!" ;)

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Holy crap MM...I found it. Scrat is already in training for that...hence our 'little talks'. LMAO

Chelsi said...

LOL you guys are too cute! Is that a little buddah belly I see in that first pic? lol That's ok... doritos have the same effect on me:)

Danielle Michelle said...

Catching up! Love the new walls! The colors rock!

I want a squirrell. Have I said that before? lol

Leah Fry said...

Oh, a little junk food never hurt anybody ;-)

The Equestrian Vagabond said...

cute! a friend has a squirrel they saved but then refused to be turned back to the wild... Trooper has done a lot of traveling around the country! oops, shouldn't'a said that...
- The Equestrian Vagabond

CTG Ponies said...

OMG, he's cute!!