It was more good luck than good timing that the weekend I went back to SD happened to be our local rodeo weekend.
A few years ago a friend started up a Ranch Rodeo and it has become a big hit. Now doesn't this line-up make a cowgirl smile...

Mmmmm...Nice view!
I was talking about the ranch horses!
You naughty cowgirls you. ;-) LOL
I fell in love with this little red dun horse...

Man, could this horse work. It was actually his rider that cost him the Top Ranch Horse Award. There was no doubt the horse was handier than his cowboy. After the last go-round, the cowboy was 'spinning' the little horse in the arena and it was pretty apparent the horse could spin faster than his rider could handle. It made me laugh. I found out later he was a Wilywood bred horse. Wilywood is (was ??...I don't think he is alive anymore) a double bred Orphan Drift and Poco Bueno bred horse that produced absolutely fantastic arena horses. I've always had a fondness for them because a lot of them are dun.
Obviously there is always a lot of wrestling around with cattle at a ranch rodeo...

They finally got the old girl wrestled to a stop and got a few squirts of milk into their bottle. It's not as easy as a person would think, even with 4 cowboys hanging off of her, because the rope had to be OFF of the cow, she had to be standing on all 4 feet and there was no twisting of the tail, ears or pinching of the nose allowed. Just sheer muscle to get her to hold still long enough for one of the guys to get her to give up some milk and then the milker had to race back to the chutes to show the bottle to the judge.
This is the horse that won the Top Ranch Horse Award...

I wouldn't kick him out of my corral.
That wrapped up the first night. Tomorrow...RODEO pics! I have a video of June Holeman's barrel run too. I want to be that woman...67 years old and still rodeoing.
Cow milking? How cool is that!!!
Yes, and I loved the view too. Of the horses. LOL
Oh, cooool!
I won't say anything else, 'cause I know it'll be politically incorrect;)
Ah, WTH.
Those jeans would have to be a lot tighter for me to look. And I've never liked lazy lookin' butts.
On People!
the horses are lovely..
Sorry, I just read back, instead of working.. BAD.
Great posts, good luck, and this made me ROFLMAO..
"I think he is dumb enough to get on my sorrel horse for a few rides."
Thanks, I needed that!
I like that dun too! Lucky guy that’s got him, hope his skill level catches up to his horse soon! Love the wild cow milking, a little reminiscent of here when we had the big herd and would have one that wouldn't take her calf. Only we didn't have to finesse it , used ropes tail jack 'em whatever it took to keep them still to get the calf on. Then we got our maternity pen and wow was that a help! Great shots of the backsides... of the horses
Cool - how fun! Nice view in that first shot! ;-)
I love ranch rodeo. Those guys try so hard. You wouldn't catch me trying to milk a wild cow, NO WAY, lol
I love the view of the horses AND the cowboys... and I ain't afraid to say so! :)
Looks like a lot of fun... wish we had more of that kind stuff around here.
OK.. so you caught me on the "nice view".. yes, the horses were wonderful, but all those cowboys!!!! (woohoo!!!) some day I really do have to see your part of the country!!! I would love to see a rodeo in real life!!! I just love reading about your "horse life" compared to ours out here in the east!!!Keep those post comin'... I love em!!!!
We used to have 'views' like that around here- but lately- not so much! Thanks for sharing yours!
And I'm still laughing at Mikeys " not catching her milking a wild cow' Yeah RIGHT!
wrestling cows for milk? I bet going to the corner store would be easier!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
Ha. Yes a very good view, I must agree, of the horses, of course;)
Love your blog:)
Keep it coming:)
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