The horses are doing very well on their new feeding program. More on that soon. Pinky-swear.
I realized that I never seemed to get a very good pic of Gunner's head the whole time he was here in CO with me. Could have something to do with the fact that he preferred to be as close to me as possible anytime I came in his pen. Do you know how hard it is to scoop poop when you have a colt standing at your elbow, insisting on being scratched on the whole time?
His surroundings was a little more interesting to him at mom's.
There is always a huge tank of hay to munch on...
Other horse's poop to sniff...
And of course other horses to study...
Mom has since introduced Gunner to his 'Uncle' Leo and has started introducing him to 'open range'. That of couse, means nothing more than she opens the corral gate to give baby and mentor the opportunity to leave the safety of the corral...LOL. It usually doesn't take more than a couple of days and baby figures out there is way better grass the farther you go away from the corral gate and before you know it all you see is their butts disappearing over the hill soon after you let them out.
Regular evening graining ensures they make their way back.;-)
Hes so pretty, I love the look they give you when you first turn them out, its so cute!
nice butt!
Gunner is growing up! Looks good.
Look how far he's come!
Yea Anon-He sure is a 'Cinderella' colt. Just goes to show how much they really can overcome with decent feed and consistent care.
I sure hope we never have to deal with a late colt ever again though. Whether it would have been easier if he had been born 'normal' or not, late babies just require a whole lot more care to keep them coming on.
Sorry, BEC, I just see a cute colt with a big ol' butt.
You need to do a roll-call, so I can try and review;)
My fave:)
Thanks for visiting, and yep I'm still kickin'! Just have been so busy I can't see straight! Your colt is looking great, but I must say that Beretta is gonna give him a run for his money. She's a beaut!! I'd take her in a heartbeat!! Well, I'd better run and get somethin' done...thank God it's Friday, and we're hopin' to finish that damned house this weekend...or I just might croak. :)
Take care!!
DAMN girl, THAT is "Baby" Guns?? Holy freaking wowzers.....
Y'all just grow them up GooooOOoooD!
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