Friday, April 23, 2010

The Local Open Show

Last Sunday Meg and I headed off to one of the local Open Horse Shows to have a look-see. What a nice show. Nice people, nice horses and it was pretty darn well-run. I guess they have been having these shows long enough that everything runs like clockwork.

The morning consists of Halter, Showmanship and all of the English classes. We got there in time to watch some of the English. I was in love with this big warm-blood...
He didn't place very well against the QH HUS types...but I just loved how he moved. Big floaty trot and canter. I'm sure he was just a greenie and his owner was just getting him out and about.

My camera batteries died right about then, so I didn't get any pictures of the WP classes. But it was a nice mix of horses. I didn't see any of the yank-yank everyone says is so common in the warm-up pen. None!!

There was an older lady, probably in her 60's who pretty much cleaned house. We got to visiting with her and I thought she was just awesome! She used to raise race horses and just got into showing a couple of years ago. How freaking cool is that?

The real reason for going was to watch the reining horses. Meg is pretty darn excited to get back to showing in the Reining classes. I don't blame her. She had Rip going so nicely last year. We know she has a couple of areas that she needs help with-her stops and her spins, so I was hoping to see if we could scope out the reiners and see if there were any trainers there, that we liked to maybe get her some lessons.

Meg was drooling over this little Hollywood Dun It mare...

She was definitely a cutie and could she ever stop and spin...
The lady riding her? I thought for sure was a Dressage Queen with a hobby. This woman was goofier than a $3 bill. Because we took some pictures of her horse, she seemed to think she needed to talk to us...while she was showing her horse. Huh? Very strange. Come to find out she is supposedly a Reining Horse Trainer. I liked her mare, but yeaaa....not someone I would want to take lessons from.

Then we watched this guy...
I just loved how he handled his horse. He rode so quiet, warmed up the way I thought was appropriate and this big yellow horse just looked so happy and relaxed. Meg and I were commenting on what a nice job this guy did and I asked the gal sitting next to us if she knew who he was. LMAO...She was his girlfriend. It just so happens this guy is the manager of a Reining/Working Cowhorse/Versatility Ranch horse facility that is nearby. SCORE!!!
As soon as Meg is out of school next month, we will be scheduling some lessons for her and her horse...could be momma will get to learn a thing or two as well.;-)


Chelsi said...

Awesome!!! I'm super excited for Meg. I bet she falls in love with ranch horse versatility! Reining is great and all but working with 'em cows is as addictive as all get out.

Good luck! :)

kestrel said...

Looks like a great show. I love local well ran shows!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Yea HC-I think Meg and her big blue horse may be more oriented to that than barrel racing. Rip just cannot seem to understand he is supposed to 'run around' the barrel. He keeps trying to work it like a cow-LOL.

Me too Kestrel. Meg and I thought we might miss not being able to attend our favorite little open show in NE. this year, but I think these will do just fine.

Cut-N-Jump said...

How funny!

I just added in the comments on my blog about True Professionals that in looking for the things I mentioned it is a great way to scope out and find a trainer if you are shopping for one.

Great minds think alike.

Vaquerogirl said...

I hope you and Meg enjoy your reining lessons! I enjoyed the ones I took, and I use all of the 'tools' for my pleasure and trail horses too! I still think that reining horse trainers are the best ( if they are good horsemen or women of course!)

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Now that is just awesome!! Gotta love a well run show! I am so glad ya'll found someone!!! Can't wait to hear what Meg *ahhmm you* learn :)

Mikey said...

Excellent! Good way to make connections. Next show, we'll see you out there in the ring?

Andrea said...

That is funny about that lady trainer!! LOL!! But that guys sounds awesome!! It's so great to find someone that is good and near by!! And I liked that big warmblood too. I would show my TB gelding against those QH in open shows and I would always place 3rd right behind them. It's not fair!! :) Looks like that little show will be great to show in!!