Monday, January 5, 2009


The other day Mzzzz Mikey "scrapped" me and I had to do some thinking....Hmmmm 10 things of interest?

1)I like to move. Three to four years in any one place and I am ready for something new. It is a great way to de-clutter on a regular basis. However, Chris is a guy who likes to travel and do things, so I think living in one spot with him will be easy, because he is always up for an adventure. Now if I would just stop procrastinating and get Megan and I's passports, I think we could have some really great adventures.

2)I am inherently lazy. Yep...if I have something that needs done, I will do it, but if I don't have a regular schedule...I can sit in the house for days...doing nothing.

3)I love to dance. Western swing, two-step, waltz...or wild rock and doesn't matter. I just love to get out on the dance floor and shake my booty.

4)I love learning things...Hmmm...three college degrees and I think I need another one? I think the perfect life would be if I could just go back to college for the rest of my life...that and horses.

5)I never wanted kids...but then I had Megan. I wouldn't change that for the world. But, I do wished I could go back in time and enjoy her all over again. I miss the times when she used to crawl into my lap with her ba-ba and blanket and stare at me while I rocked her to sleep...that seems so long ago.

6)I don't understand vegetarians or vegans or whatever other word some people come up with to explain not eating meat or animal products. One of the greatest joys I have in life is cutting into a perfectly prepared piece of meat and taking that first bite. that is living! But, if you really can't bring yourself to enjoy meat...Uhhhh...Okay??? Just don't try to tell me how eating meat is wrong or going to kill me. I don't care!

7)I have two types of anger...the hot flash-yell, cuss, slam things around and then it is over. And the slow burn-you will never know I am angry until it is too late. When that happens(I'm like TrainWreck), I can and do hold a grudge.

8)I was very shy in high school and subsequently when I moved away to go to college, it was very difficult to make friends. I was sort of a know, the one who always said the wrong thing at the wrong time or laughed too loud or too long. It wasn't until I was in my mid-20's that I learned how to socialize, without alcohol.

9)I love chickens. I know, that is completely random. I haven't had chickens since I was a kid, but I love to watch them. When we lived in AZ-the quail always cracked me up. It was fun to sit outside and watch them run after a horse that was pooping or watch the little flocks come up to water. Those males were adament that they were going to keep their little flock seperate from the other flocks.

And finally...
10)The only cowboy I have ever dated in my life was my ex-husband. Seriously!! Cowboys have never, ever been attracted to me. As I got older, I realized I wasn't attracted to them anymore either...worked out well for me though...I found the man of my dreams anyway, he just rides a different kind of "horse".

Yep...I am a strange and random person. I prefer to call it "having a personality".;-)

Now I think this has made it's rounds, but if you didn't get it and would like to share...grab the decal and spill some wild and random facts about yourself...just remember to leave a comment that you are doing it so we can all come and see if you are as strange as the rest of us-LOL.

Now my friend CdnCowgirl gave me this quite a while back and I have been remiss in posting it...

I didn't forget Cdn...It's just that darn procrastination thing. Thank you for the award!!


Lil Mama said...

found you thru California Cowgirl.
I love your scraps. I can totally relate.

Unknown said...

I agree with you on so many levels, especially the meat thing and the geek thing. Me too sista - wish I could've met you in college!

I am bad about awards too - it just that I run out of time and I save them all and put them in a little folder on my desktop so i have them I just don't post them and give them, cause I feel so darn grateful to get anything all posted to my blog.

Hey BTW - I did that post you guys asked out today - or half of it anyways. Would like to know what you think, if you can get through it - its really LONG.

sue said...

I love reading things like that.... want to get to "really" know someone, ask questions of that nature... thanks for sharing.. I thought it was really neat...

Callie said...

Interesting scraps! Wow, Three degrees! What are they in? I'm curious! If ya don't mind sharing! Who doesn't like chickens! LOL I want to get some this spring! I'm sure our neighbor will really think we;re off our nut then!

Melanie said...

Hey you!! It feels so good to be back! I scrolled down and saw your Christmas present. Your man is definitely a keeper!!!!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Callie-I have two associates-one in equine science and one in ag business(it was supposed to help get me into ag banking-not so much) and a bachelor's in Business Administration(I don't recommend that degree to anyone unless they want to do HR work-the Business Management is much more useful!).

kdwhorses said...

Great scrapes! Love it!

Danielle Michelle said...

I love watching my chickens! It's not wierd! Lol

Train Wreck said...

You a nerd????hahahahaha no way! I have 3 chickens, I will share with you. I love them. They will come runing out when I pull up. Yeah it's kinda embarrasing! No Cowboys...faint... Actually I married the only "REAL" Cowboy I ever dated. I didn't even know he was a Cowboy when I met him. I love all your Scraps!

Callie said...

Thanks for sharing, I would love to get a degree in equine science, no wonder you know so much! Where is something like that offered?

Vaquerogirl said...

You aren't weird at all! Dosen't everyone love chickens?
And it sounds like you are 'wicked Smaaart". With your knowledge of bloodlines, I'm not surprised, it takes a lot of memory to know those bloodlines like you do!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

VG-I never realize how many people are out there that are scared of chickens. No kidding! The first time one of my friends was telling me how scared they were of chickens, I was like "What??"

Callie-I got my degree in Cheyenne, WY at Laramie County Community College. I looked at different ones all over the country through-Meridith Manor would have been the place that I would have went if I could have afforded it. It offers a Bachelor's degree in several areas. But a girl that I respected went to LCCC, so that is where I ended up going...and loved it. Those classes is really where I learned important things about Breeding, Feeding, Behavior, the business end of things(something a lot of trainers have problems with) and got my eyes opened to the vast amount of training methods available.