That's Shooter's newest nickname...GiWaNe, aka...Pony Boy. He is currently at the stage where he looks like a darn pony.
He has his nose into everything...
He has his nose into everything...
What did you call me???
You can call me anything you want...just don't call me late to breakfast...
Or dinner...
Finally, a warm day(we hit 40 by noon)...The poop piles have released their hold on the ground and I can clean up their eating area. Just in time to get ready for another cold spell...Gahhhh-I hate this time of winter. I'm ready for it to warm up and stay warm!!
K-gotta go...much to do yet today!
LMAO...Doesn't my place just scream BYB?? Saggy barbed wire fences and tons of poop piles...Holy you think the internet police will have me arrested??
RUN BECG RUUUUNNNN!!! I can hear the stampede coming now, hot out to Get You!
Shooter is looking damn fine there Momma. Gonna be a wicked colt for you as he grows up ;)
Thinking of you, as I putter about in my t-shirt....
LOL at you and Mrs Mom! Heaven forbid!!!!
Hey, have you ever seen GiWaNe? I did out here about 6 years ago and he was really nice and kinda hot! lol What I remember more than anything is that a group from the local Indian Band came out to meet him and honored him with a private little group song and dance after his clinic. There was an older man in the group that had the drum and he sang.... OMG.... I can still here his voice echoing in my bones!!! That music was the most magical thing I'd ever heard in my life!!! And I thought babpipes gave me goosebumps!!
Your lil' colt is one good lookin' matter what ya call him!!
Move south, it's warmer down here and no one cares what your place looks like. Today it is a balmy 78, yes you heard me 78 degrees down here in San Antonio. Lotsa land too...
Whauahahahaaa!! I think that a lot when I take pictures of my horses. With our barb wire and now we have a half set up arena with poles everywhere, some in the ground, some sticking out at about horse eye level. You crack me up. I have always said, "You can have a junked up pasture with a 100 dollar horse in it and it won't ever get hurt. Then you put a million dollar horse turned out in an arena with nothing to get hurt on and he breaks his leg". I had a friend's horse do that. She paid 60,000 for her horse and then second day she owned it, she turned it out in the arena to run around and he broke his leg. The horses name was Jimmy Buffet. He was a super cool horse. But I am rambling......
Scooter is adorable. I love him. But not as much as I love Mr.Blue horse. Where is he? Is he going to Colorado with you? I hope he does. I will cry if I never get to see him after you move.
Oh, and poop happens!! hee hee hee
I am glad it warmed up for ya. It's 75 degrees here today. I have the house all opened up to let in some fresh air.
He's a good looking guy! I love it when they are curious and just into absolutely bodes well for future training.
I have chickens and I NEVER have to clean poop out of pastures! They even manage to peck through and spread the frozen stuff. Love 'em...but I'm pretty darn sure they make me look redneck. Have you ever noticed that when people describe horrible conditions horses are living in that they always seem to mention chickens running around?
Lol, I think everyone's place looks like that right now. You get a pass cause it's winter and you live where it freezes. Me, I'm scraping the last of the mudholes, where the horses think it's convenient to poop. Big friggin mess!
Shooter, he is adorable. You're gonna have good times with him :)
I once overheard a neighbor complain about all the poop piles in my yard (both horse and dog) when she had visitors during the winter. I wanted to invite her over to see if she could dig them up when they were frozen to the earth. Unless they own animals, they just don't get it.
Your place looks like heaven compared to the places I have to pass to get to my place. I am going to blog about it soon. Mom and I call it Fugly horse central.
AWWW he is growing up too fast! He is going to be a nice colt!
The internet police~LMAO! Girl, if they exist I'm sure I'd be on the list as well!
We are muddy and starting to dry out alittle. Then they say rain again Saturday~UGH!
I'm with Michelle - here in SA/Austin it's lovely. You can pick up poop all year.
Hmm. That didn't come out right...
Anyway we'll bar the door for you when the fuglies come! :D
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