Tuesday, September 30, 2008

That Do or Die List

The Adventures of A Horse Crazed Mind came up with the great idea to make a do or die list when I was in my funk....I had to stop that list too...it was giving me a headache-LOL. Just kidding Horse Crazed...it was a good idea. Actually, my lists consist of things that have been waiting for years to get done. Not kidding...YEARS!! So if they have waited this long, what is a few more months...or another year? Well, cause things are kinda starting to fall down around here. A place can only go so long without maintenance and shit just sorta starts falling apart. But we are making a dent. Honestly! The first year home was pretty much a clean-up year. Strangely enough jobs are so much easier when things are cleaned up. Now, it is time for big projects. So today we tackled a fenceline that has been waiting for about 4 years to get done.

But first...Red Dog wants to show off his new ranch job...
See Dad, I am a real ranch supervisor now...mom let me drive the 4-wheeler!
Kidding! But he did learn how to ride behind me on the 4-wheeler today. Fatty don't have much for balance though, so it was slow going-LMAO.

Anyway, here is the "needs to be built" fenceline...
For the last 5 years it has been a zig-zag of panels. Not that they were going to fall down or anything, but it took extra panels and created lots of little nooks that one horse could get another into and take a swipe at them. Horses are jerks that way!!

We killed two birds with one stone...the "big" tractor hadn't been used in about a year and machinery goes to pot if it isn't run fairly regularly(who knew?), so Steve put the battery charger on it and pretty soon it was fired up and ready to level the ground for us...
Both boys were supervising this...
Then it was time to unload this little sweetheart...
Oh yea!! Nothing beats having a post hole digger that doesn't include me being the operator. I really don't like to build fence. It is one of my least favorite tasks. Good thing, I'm a good "Go-For"-LOL. And Steve showed me how to drive the "big boy" tractor too.

Almost finished...
A beautiful new fenceline. Safe for horses and strong enough for cattle.

But we weren't quite done. There were a few "leaners" in the existing fenceline...
But not anymore!

See this lovely mess? Yep, it's next on the list. It is a mess of fence, panels, wire and hog panels...
Mom and Steve are designing what mom wants to do with it. Hey, I don't care...just as long as he brings that skidsteer with the post hole digger back when it is time to do it!!

And on the way out of the yard...
Awww...he's a baby. Definitely not big enough to shoot for a couple of years. But, there are two big ole' boys hanging out around the house...muahahaha! Hopefully, I can catch them with the camera tomorrow morning. I saw them this morning, but didn't have the camera out. They don't hang around long, those big guys.

Now I gotta go...I am scheduled to have Megan stomp on my back again. I wished they could invent some sort of a machine that would tamp those posts tight too. Now wouldn't that just be the cat's meow-LMAO.


cdncowgirl said...

Digging post holes at Kimfer's mom & dad's really sucks (that's where I board and have helped with lots of odds and ends)
The ground is sooo rocky. Very hard work.

SunnySD said...

T's drooling over your deer, small or not, I'm coveting your finished fence!

kdwhorses said...

Love the new fence!
And Red Dog looks like a great driver! LOL!

Vaquerogirl said...

Great fence! Say... I have a little bit of fencing to repair here in sunny warm beautiful movie star laden ( that is for you that don't know California is the last place Movie stars want to be ) California! Wanna bring your boys, trucks, dogs, and toys to help? What?!! Well, it was worth a try anyway!

Callie said...

What an incredible feat! Well done. The new fence looks great!

Melanie said...

Wow...you guys and gals have been very productive over there in SD...lol!!! One quick question: Is Loma Ranch your place, or your man's place in CO?

I have my kids walk around on my back too...how funny!!! And about that supplement...if it is working great for you, and not damaging anything, I say go for it!!!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Melanie-The Loma Ranch is Chris' place in Colorado.
Calling it "The Loma Ranch" is our little inside joke-because it is 2.9 acres-the smallest place we have-LOL.

In SD I keep everyone confused too-I live in the house I grew up in-in town(it is just shy of 5 acres). My brother's and I share our ranch and my mom lives on her ranch.

Chris has become a "team member" to this blog and will be posting from Colorado under "Loma Ranch", my posts will still be "BrownEyed Cowgirls". I got the idea for us to share a blog from Callie over at Midwest Horse-her team member is Twisted Oaks Quarter Horses. This way, Chris can show me what he's up to and we don't have to start another blog.;)

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Oh and I forgot...Sunny...T cannot drool over the babies! That is just wrong-I promise I will get a picture of the "big boys" that have taken up residence on the outside of this doe herd. Then he can drool-LOL. This little guy is just a spud.

I love to see the big racks. Megan is avid that she wants to get herself a "monster" at some point. This year she will be regulated to herd control by using our land owner tags to thin the doe population a bit-I am all about the meat in the freezer. I told her not to worry though-next year she can go after a big buck. Since we won't be having any hunters on either of the ranches this year-there aught to be several of the big ones that make it through the season by hiding on our properties.

Andrea said...

What a nice fence and lucky you for getting that big tractor running!! Next you can come over here and help us with some fence. We have posts in the ground but no fence inbetween!! LOL!!!

Paige said...

I too get a little woozy at the sight of a big honking post-hole digger that I jsut have to drive around and not put any work into--

and a new fence line turns me on like almost nothing else.

Fence will be the death of me--good on you for making new and improved ones!

Keep up the good work--maybe you will inspire me.

PaintedPromise said...

and you can add me to your list, i have have fence on mine that i can't seem to get done!!!