Now to tear it to pieces, so we can be even better next time!
This Open Horse Show had the strangest rules-1st-you couldn't make a circle when you when in the arena and 2nd-they wouldn't let you out of the arena until you were dismounted. Okay-so I can understand the dismount-some of these kid's horses are barely under control and I am sure that they have had one(or more) run off coming out of the arena, but getting disqualified for having to lope a circle to pick up your lead? That's a new one on me.
Anyway, I wasn't too sure that Moon would pick up his right lead going from a straight away start-so when they call my name and opened the gate-I was trying to figure out the best game plan. I cued him for his right lead and he sort of jumped back and forth between my legs as we was going through the gate. His little pin ears were rigid and he was focused on those barrels. I didn't think he had the correct lead-so I cued him again and he lunged but in the left lead. At this point I was only about 2 strides from crossing the timer and I was not about to let him start for that first barrel in the wrong lead. So I pulled him up and decided to take the circle and the disqualification, every run counts now and I cannot let him get back in the habit of starting in the wrong lead, besides-there was no money riding on it. I tipped his head to the right and cued him for his lead and the little sucker took the lead and headed for the barrel. I was over the line and decided to go for it.
Going into 1st was a little shaky and I think I was about a stride to late asking for the rate but Moon has never blown by a barrel and he sure didn't on this one. As you can see, we are both out of position coming around 1st. I could feel his shoulder wanting to leave and reached up to get a hold of the outside of the rein...
Megan snapped this while I had Moon at the fence so he could watch a couple of runs. Yes, he actually does watch-sounds crazy huh? I think it gets his mind thinking about it and gives me a chance to see if there are any trouble spots. After spending the day tied to the trailer, Moon was in pleasure horse mode...
When I came out after my run-he had the funniest expression. I do like my barrel horses to be quiet, but Moon takes the cake-LOL.
Megan had a good day on her pink pony too. She was just out of the ribbons in all 3 of her classes, but I think her and Strawberry are in the right mindset now.
Strawberry is a natural little pleasure horse. He just likes to go slow. When Megan leaves his head alone and used her butt to control his speed, they are hard to beat...
Oh well, ride and learn. This is the first show of the season and Megan is in a new age division. Her and "The Berries" will step it up.
She had a beautiful Trail run going until they got to this slicker...
Glad you guys had such a successful show! Way to go girls.
Great run!! You were going fast!! 19 seconds is fast! I would fall off at that speed! Megan did great too!! I love her roany pony!! Looks like you had a fun weekend!!
Wow, you and Moon look great! I love it, a barrel horse that is so mellow someone thinks he is a pleasure horse! ;)
Megan and the hands....that is a lesson I needed to learn when I was young, too. I remember hearing the parents yelling from the sidelines, telling their kids to stop messin' with the horse's head, lol!
Meg and Berry sure look great though!
Sounds like you two (4?) had a pretty darn good start to the season there overall! Way to go! The Berry is a cutie too....
Good job on Moon! Barrel horse that acts like a western pleasure horse! LOL! You dont' hear that very often! Great job with him!
Megan and Strawberry-way to go! Great first show! Like you I am always looking at what I did and need to work on for the next time! The rain eating slicker! ROTFL!! You'd be amazed at these Extreme Races that I do how many horses have never seen one before! I guess I just torture (train) our horses to be used to just about everything! My pasture looks like a course! Hubby just shakes his head, he says I'am always looking for things to use!
thanks for sharing! Man I wished you all lived closer we could tear up these playdays and events around here! Not to mention have tons of FUN!
Thanks guys-We do strive to keep our horses quiet but I can't take all of the credit for Moon being soooo quiet. He is just naturally a very laid back horse and he has had to work for a living before too. I think that makes horses more conservative of their energy.
In someone else's hands Moon probably would have made a fine WP horse and an excellent Hunter Under Saddle horse. I turned down a lot of money(the figure was enough to make me blink rapidly) for him in AZ. A guy wanted him for a heel horse. Just a few times out of the box and he was right on target. The guy who rode him in the feedlot wanted him because he was great in the pasture and in the pens, sorting cattle.
But then again Moon's mother is Woofer and that old mare was just as multi-talented. I sure have high hopes for little Shooter too.
I wonder if Woofer would be willing to give me just one more baby? Not this year of course-but maybe next year? Heck-she would only be 27 when she foaled again...OMG-I can't believe I would even think of going through another 12 months of worry again. Okay-I'm banging my head on my cement wall trying to knock some sense into it-LOL.
wow so Woofer foaled at 25 then? maybe it's not out of line to think of breeding Paint Mare next year to try and not lose my breeding fee... she's just turned 22...
as for the post itself wow, i was NEVER that good but boy did it bring back some wonderful memories... i've turned chicken in my old age, but after Katie fell with me last December - at a walk! - i get so uptight thinking "what if" a horse were to fall while we were at a canter or gallop...
go ahead, make chicken noises now!!!
PPR-Actually Woofer is 24. I wouldn't breed her back this year because of her age, but if she looks this good next year-I will breed her back.
And no-if your mare is in good shape, 22 is not too old to breed! The only thing is with a mare of that age is weight control and making sure they have a good vitamin supplement. I would say if you want to breed Paint Mare, by all means, we have always had older mares and the only problem we ever had was last year when we let Woofer get obese.
Ohhh--I see my boo-boo. Woofer would only be 26 when she foaled if I breed her next year. Whoops, my bad.
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