To this...
One of my new daylilies bloomed...
I also put together this end...

All that's left is the grass in the middle...
Megan says, 'Mom...the dumpster hides everything when you pull in the yard.'...Well that my dear, can be moved.
The other thing was, GoLightly brought up a good point when she mentioned I had planted quite thickly. True...I did. But I really don't care for the 'waiting to fill in' look. I don't really think of these beds as 'permanent' anyway. Although everything I planted in them are perinnials...they are easy plants to dig up and break apart when necessary. I like self-replicating plants. LOL
Well, at least one spot around here is almost done. Next on the list is getting the house stuccoed (and maybe some windows replaced with better quality ones)...The contractor stopped today to pick up a check for supplies to fix my 2-stall barn...I cannot WAIT to have that fixed. While he was here, I told them I wanted a loafing shed added onto my 2 permanent corrals as well. When they come to start on the barn roof, we will finalize the plans for that and as soon as they finish the barn, they can build the loafing shed.
If the house is stuccoed by then...we can reshingle the house and get gutters up. It sure would be nice to get some of the big stuff out of the way around here. Then I can contemplate important an a.r.e.n.a. ??? LOL
I see some of my favorites in your shade garden! They all look lovely! The deer have been snacking on mine. :(
Wow. I wish I had that kind of talent. You do a great job!
Holy Cow! That looks great!
I'm surprised the arena isn't further up the list ;)
Your gardens look great. I'm with you on planting to look good now, great thing about it is you can move em around later and make more beds if you want.
Love how that mulch makes things look sooo much better lol
I just have the 2 beds that were here when we moved. This year I'm doing container gardens for flowers, Nd hanging pots of course.
We put our dumpster behind the tree lone where the driveway curves around to the barn, out of sight (and smell!) from the house but close to the house, shop and barn.
in2paints-I wished I had more shady areas. I love the shade-loving plants.
Mikey-It sure didn't come naturally. I get so confused when I walk into the garden center. To much color goes to the brain-LOL. It was a lot easier to figure out after I bought all of those salvage plants. They were so cheap, I just bought a bit of everything I liked and that made putting everything together a whole lot easier.
Cdn-A person would think the arena would be high up on the list wouldn't they? The field next door has been a savior, or it probably would be at the top of the list. Also, as good as my husband is about the horse thing...I think it is only fair we finish the house before indulging any more of my horsie-wish list.
The landscaping looks great! I need to get outside at home and get some stuff done before the weeds completely take over! I've been spending more time at the barn than at home lately...
It will be great for you guys to finish upgrading the house and get the barn all sorted out.
The little critter is a ground squirrel, but they reproduce like rabbits and are all over the place. Josh has killed quite a lot of them, with his air rifle. The funniest part is, when we went out to feed yesterday there was a dead one in the water trough. So, we had empty the trough with buckets and get him out. But it made me think - she didn't want to share with him anymore.
Well, jeesh, I wasn't expecting you to listen to me! I have several day-lily behemoths I should have split up back when I planted them way too close together. The stupidest thing I did was fertilize them. NEVER fert a perennial ditch lily! They become larger than life, seriously. Well, mine did, anyway. Easy to dig up, yeah, okay, maybe in YouR dirt. Not so much in this here clay dirt. Grow, they do, boy do they grow.. And then you have 8 gabillion plants! We rent this fifty acres, and I have run out of legs to plant them all over hill and dale..
You'll be BegginG people to haul them away..
I am kidding. sort of. We'll see next year;)
World's worstest (but I do have fun) gardener out!
Nice job on the landscaping. I forget about sunscreen this time of year too. It's hard to believe we have finally warmed up. I'm still carrying my coat with me in the car...just in case.
LOL-GL...I always listen to you. ;-) We have really nice soil here...simply add water to it and pretty much anything will grow. Obviously! I certainly cannot claim having that great of a green thumb.
OUAE-I know, right. The other night I drove off without a jacket and as soon as the sun sets, it cools off pretty quickly. Luckily my kiddo left a hoodie in the pickup.
Hi from Italy
what a beautiful blog!
Looks great to me , I am with you I like to gfill it is sooner than later, but have paid the price of having to thin things out. Sounds like lots of big plans underway!
Sounds like fun, I love that mulch it sure makes stuff look pretty while it is growing in! I also tend to plant stuff too close together, but I plant mostly annuals and veggies, so it just cuts down on weeds and I start all over next year.
Your yard looks so pretty now :) I love a thickly planted bed - like you said you can always thin it out later.
Oooh....landscape fun is almost as good as horse fun! Love the beds, they look so great. I'm working on my own right now too...things are really coming together there!
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