Meg and I tried to do a photo shoot of Spooks this morning, unfortunately I turned off my alarm and we got a bit of a late start. The sun was getting to high and I didn't exactly give Megan the easiest colored horse to shoot to start her out on. Black/Dk Brown is notoriously hard to shoot and harsh light makes it almost impossible.

I do like this one, even if Spook's back feet are a bit wonky...

And I like this one...

This one might be salvageable if I remove the leadrope and brighten it a bit...

Megan did get some very pretty headshots of the horse though...

It's going to take a little practice for my budding photographer. Megan has an artistic eye with a camera and is good at taking interesting shots...just not quite what I'm looking for for conformation photos. I'm not any means...I really appreciate that she is willing to do this for me. I just need to get her to zoom out a bit and get the whole horse in the pic, with plenty of room on the edges for printing. This is a darned good start, but we'll try to get more either this evening or on another morning...e.a.r.l.y.
The book featured on Nuzzling Muzzles recently is a good reference point and then there's always trial and error...
Good shots are a crap shoot and Hooray for DIGITAL!
I wanted to leave a comment that asked if Spooks wanted to move to GA and make my pasture look good. Only, I couldn't find a way to say as handsome as he is, my pasture would still look horrid in this drought in a funny way without it potentially sounding like I was saying Spooks looks like crap, which he's not. Because he's handsome!
Well, I guess I just said it, didn't I?
I like the shot that`s posted second from the bottom.
And as CNJ said, thank goodness for digital!
Pretty nice photos - the nice horse and dramatic background sure don't hurt! :-)
Not complaining. Okay, maybe I am;)
Spooks is a handsome bugger, but I wanna big bay pics..
I love that blue eye. The last shot is my favorite.
I like the second photo and the second last photo. Good job!
Spooks sure is a big stout boy.
I think she did a great job! Spooks looks really nice!!
I agree, It is hard to get the just right shot. They always look all screwey when I do it.
Meg did a nice job though.
Yes, thank goodness for digital and the delete button...I use that a lot!!
She does have a good eye. She's doing a great job~
He is a handsome boy!! Love how the photos turned out! :)
Nice shots! He's a cutie, btw.
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