Holy Crap!
So 'the season' is officially upon me. A horse show tomorrow and a barrel race on Sunday.
The horse show wasn't really planned...it just popped into my peripheral view and I thought....'Hey, why not take Frosty?'
He's been doing good. Really good. So it's definitely time to get him out there and start getting him used to life in the real world. It's going to take time and lots of doing to build his confidence level up. That's really what he is lacking...confidence and experience.
So anyway...I figured I'd start the day by running errands. Stopped by the vet's (more on that on Monday), the feed store and the grocery store.
Came home...started 2 big pork roasts-supper tonight and lunches for everyone tomorrow. I have learned it is soooo worth it to take your own food to horse events.
Started cleaning the trailer-first the LQ, then the tack room and loaded up hay for the ponies lunches tomorrow. Now, you would think that, that is not that big of deal, but once I started cleaning the tack compartment

I decided there was some things could be taken out and put up at the shed. So I start taking items up there.
I decided there was some things could be taken out and put up at the shed. So I start taking items up there.
Except the shed looks like a tornado has gone through it. Damn...
So, I start re-organizing that (mostly so I could get to the bins that I keep extra tack and odds and ends in) and I found the little seed starter things I have been meaning to go dig out, so I can start my seeds (I'm already behind on that, but oh well...I'm going to start them anyway)...

So I haul all the things that I want out of the shed or don't belong there anyway (not sure how some of that stuff got up there ???) down to the garage...
Where I realize, I probably need to clean out this corner, so I can move the odds and ends of stuff that I need for the horses, but don't use very often to these shelves...

But moving the feed bins around reminds me that the lady from the feed store is going to be dropping off my beet pulp on her way home and she expressed an interest in my cutting saddle. I wanted to clean that up before she saw it.
So I go to the trailer to get the saddle and realize I still need to haul the rest of the stuff I didn't want in the trailer up to the shed. While I am making those trips, I figured I might as well go ahead and put my tarps away.
So I end up walking back down to the corrals to get those tarps and decide that Miss Beretta might as well come out and graze in the yard while I am poking around...

About this time Meg gets home, so I ask her if she plans on washing Turk's mane before the show tomorrow. The rest of him is clean, but his mane is kind of gunky. She catches him and proceeds to brush him for TWO hours!...

As the sun starts to go down, she asks where the shampoo and conditioner are. R U Freaking kidding me? Uhhh NO! Your window of opportunity to wash the horse when it was 75degrees out is now GONE. So she goes to put him away. Uhhhh...don't you think you should check out how he is going to handle the show halter? Most horses don't like the chain on the lead, so I always make sure they are okay with it before going into the show ring. Megan knows that. I have no idea what the heck was up with her, but she was acting like this was her first show and moving at a snail's pace to boot. Makes me want to throttle her! And of course, Turk freaked over the chain rattling under his chin and Meg got to spend another 30 minutes or so working him out of that (snort).
After what felt like 5 thousand more trips back and forth and around and around, I finally had most everything put away and left to wash the pickup...giving Megan specific instructions to hay the horses, put Beretta away and if the lady showed up with the feed to let her know if she wanted to take the saddle and try it she could.
Off to wash pickup. Straight back and of course the feed lady had come and gone. Meg said that she was just bringing Beretta in when she showed up. Rather than tie Beretta up or just put her away, she tries to help unload the feed bags while holding Beretta. Beretta leaves! Meg tries to explain to lady about the saddle as she is running after Beretta.
Needless to say...the saddle was still sitting there,
Pretty sure Meg didn't get the message across the way she was supposed to.
She did bring the feed tubs to the garage, which I thanked her for (as she disappeared back into the house) and I hooked up the trailer and started loading my clothes and stuff for tomorrow.
Finally, I realize it is getting dark and I have to get horses fed. So I start mixing up feed...having to stop a couple of times and charge at Moon with the buggy whip in my hand. He has just gotten plumb ridiculous about charging the horse next to him at feeding time and I have had it. I have whipped his butt a couple of times now and most of the time all I have to do is yell at him once and he stops. Apparently tonight he didn't think he needed to listen, so I get to look like a nutcase running in and out of the garage, yelling at and waving the whip at horses who for all intents and purposes appear to just be waiting patiently for their supper...

You know...I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I am p.s.y.c.h.o!! If I'm not yelling at that stupid dun horse, I seem to be yelling at Megan's stupid white cat. Moon is always picking a fight with another horse and Deuce is always picking a fight with the other cats. I told the fam tonight that I am ready to start lining animals up and commence with the firing squad. Even my idiot Red Dog was annoying the crap out of me. Every time I turned around with an armload of stuff...I was tripping over him...
I can only tell him so many times he is not helping before I'm yelling at him too. My black dog is smart...he hears me yell at something else...he leaves...Mom is crabby and I am just going to go do my own thing. Good Dog!

Of course, as I am putting feed pans out, I realize that Megan has not fed nearly enough hay, so I end up having to do that again.
But first, I brought Beretta out and let her eat her grain, while I cleaned her legs in preparation to re-sweat her knee. It came down a lot, but hasn't anymore in the last couple of days. At this point, cold therapy isn't cutting it, so I'm back to wrapping it. Of course, by now...Miss Thing has had enough of doctoring and is a real pill. She has yet to actually kick or strike AT me, but she is definitely letting me know, she thinks she should be done with all of this. She would really like to bite, but she got an elbow in the nose a couple of times and has decided that is not a real viable option.
I simply sat down to write this post, so I had an excuse to get off my feet for a few minutes. Now, if you will excuse me...I still have to iron my shirts, starch my jeans, make the bbqed pulled pork for sandwiches, take a shower and collapse into bed.
Did I mention, I didn't even have time to get my horses rode today? Thank goodness I took the time to trim Frosty up yesterday.
Gaaahhh...don't you just love getting ready for the first event of the season?
But hey, my shed is clean, the trailer is clean and packed, the pickup is clean, the garage is clean, a couple of saddles are clean and I picked up a multitude of things that were kind of strung all over the yard. Totally unintentionally multi-tasking.
Fingers crossed for us that we have a good show and a good barrel race this weekend. I have a feeling I'm going to need all the luck I can get. ;-) Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
Holy crap! I need a nap after reading it !
Have a great show!! By the time you get to read this you'll be back, and I hope it went good!
Your post made me totally laugh, as I am living this exactly. I love how you chronicle it. I can't even remember half the time what I was doing an hour ago. Prepping for show is killing me already, and then the prospect of spending 12 hours at this show (you know it will be that way, it always is) I'm not sure I'll survive.
The food idea is fantastic. Wade is already plotting. He says he wants a rug in front of the trailer, his beach umbrella, chair with footrest, Hibachi grill and full cooler. This is what he says will make his day complete, lol.
Gotta love horse event season :) It takes a mountain of work!
K first off, good luck and have an awesome weekend!
Now when you said you were cleaning your trailer I laughed, for real. I know what that's like and I have a little 2 horse bumper pull. BTW I have serious envy of your trailer, did I see that the tack compartment has a door on BOTH sides?! *drool* That would be so nice.
Holy crap I'm exhausted just reading that!! Hope the shows are educational for BOTH horses ;)
Holy smokes! I'm tired just reading all of that!!! lol
But, I totally get it - you couldn't just leave the other stuff messy and unorganized - why not do it all while you are outside doing stuff. I'm like that too...
Hope all goes well at the show today! Hopefully you can get a pic or two for us.
Busy, Busy, Busy!!! wish we had another car I would have definetly come and helped. can't wait to see you run on sunday have a great show today and see ya tomorrow;)
Wow, and I thought my days get busy!
You remind me of Mikey! That's a lot to do in one day. But you sure made it happen! Hope you had a good show and barrel run.
Geez! As I'm reading this I'm thinking you're gonna be way too pooped to show by the time you get all that stuff done. Hope you had some energy left for the horse show and barrel racing.
Now I'm so tired just reading your post I'm thinking maybe I might just skip show season this year. LOL
I do that all the time too... one thing leads to another and then another. Before I know it, though, the main task I wanted to accomplish is left undone at the end of the day. You see, I tire much quicker than you! Kudos for getting all that done!
Good luck at your shows this weekend! I hope you have a great time. :)
This is why I don't show horses. Just reading this was enough to send me back to bed.
That said, I have the same thing happen every weekend. It drives me crazy. Durn ADD.
Wow thats a lot of stuff done in one day! I do the same things, but ussually end up not totally finishing anything.
Good luck this weekend!
aint that the way life goes! Start out doing one thing, find another something that needs attention, do a little to take care of that, find yourself in another part of your yard and find that needs attention too and before you know it you don't recall what you began doing.. I'm thinking I personally need blinders so I can stay focused on one thing and finish that. Of course the problem is we want to complete everything in one day..."Rome wasn't built in a day" :)
Indeed the good thing is you did accomplish so many things and gave yourself credit :)
Hugs, Angie
You are a rock star! I can't believe you actually completed anything. When I start off like that all I end up doing is having a million half-finished things instead of even one finished thing.
Have a great weekend - maybe you can get some rest during the week :)
Woah, what a day! I agree with GunDiva - the stuff you completed looks amazing!
Starched jeans - eeek! I did my ride in sweatpants ;)
Hope you kicked butt at both events! :D
Dang! You've got way more ambition than I do.
Beretta is really looking good!
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