It's no Bugatti...LMAO...I had to look that up...I don't much keep up on the hi-perf cars.
I was really hoping to have a pic of me attempting to hug my new ride...but it's still somewhere between here and Texas. :(
It simply started out as a joking comment. The Honey says...'Hey, look at this car'.
Me-reading some of the background...starts drooling...and says, 'Bid on it'. (Yep, we buy cars off Ebay. :-/)
And I promptly forgot about it.
A few days later, Honey says...'We got your car'.
Me-'No kidding?....Uuuhhh...Okaaayyy...' (Thinks to self...I was mostly joking...I mean, it's a waaayyyy cool car...but...???)
Then all the paperwork came and I got all excited all over again. Now, I'm dying for it to get here....

But that's not the coolest part. The coolest part is....

Do you see who is driving my car?
GIBBS!!!!! (Hopefully, I'm not the only NCIS fan?)...O.M.G....jumping up and down and squealing like a school girl!!! (sigghhhhh)
It's also the car that was used in this movie...
The Bucket List
And a couple of other movies, of which I have not seen. Don't really care...
I have GIBB's car!!!! (My Honey says drool is bad for the paint job and hard on the interior...I'm going to have to wear a bib.)
I should add the disclaimer that this is not a one-of-a-kind. ;-) It's actually one of three cars that was used in the making of those movies. I don't think the one with the actual Hemi is for sale...and if it was...I couldn't even imagine what that one would cost. (Yikes)
I love my husband. He never ceases to amaze me!!!!
I really expected "Hers" to have hooves. :)
I was wondering when I was going to see pics:) VERY COOL!!!!!
you are freaking KIDDING me! That's the car that GIBBS drives? No way, you're joking, exagerating, you mean it's the same kind of car? I am so flipping insanely jealous right now! You're a rockstar! I have to come visit you now just to get a picture of me standing next to that beauty, I am a HUGE NCIS fan.... my entire family is, it's a sickness..... wow!
I was thinking along the line of hooves too........really special ones though. LOL
But cars are cool. For me, it would have to be some super duper truck thing though and I'd have to think about what kind of "star" I would like to be the previous driver.
Listen to the man about drool. It can reek havoc on your paint. I want to see pictures with the bib. LOL
Unfrigginbelievable!!! How do you do it? Man, that car is to die for... I love it. You better post a pic of you driving it, FOR SURE.
Oooohh I am jealous. Big time. I better stay off Ebay...
Duuuuude... Gibbs.... Soooo when are we leaving to go find him and get him to autograph your car?
Sweet ride girlfriend!! ;)
Oooooh.... oh... *sigh* Where is my bib? That car. The color... the lines. I think I'm in love.
You're a lucky girl... (but then so am I;) Your honeys new car is also gorgeous but this beauty is much more my style!
Let me join the "are you FREAKIN' kidding me" club!!! That is so awesome!!! And I'm SO jealous!!! Mark Harmon is da bomb! LOL
I was drooling before I found out who drives that car! That is a NICE car... and I love it more than hubby's car. :)
I'm a sucker for American Muscle. Is there room in the garage for both new cars?? I know hubby likes to keep it kind of full.
I just wanna know why you are waiting for it instead of flying down to drive it home????
Oh, right. The drool and you may have gotten a few tickets along the way, having a lead foot and all enjoying the wheeeeeeeee factor!
Way cool!
Your hubby's new ride is a sweet deal too!
Your car was in the Bucket List?? Jack Nicholson's BUTT touched those seats?? AND Morgan Freeman's?
Oh man, waaaay cool.
Congrats from an old bucket;)
I guess I have to tell you what cool cars you two have, as Bill says he's not speaking to you any more!
what a fun surprise! I too have a dream car that I have not gotten around to buying and hold out hope that someday the hubby will surprise me. And he might. Especially if I show him this post
Just simply WOW!!!!!!!
Wow two new cars! You are one lucky girl, I would love to have Gibbs car, that is too cool!
You guys are funny. (I'm blushing)
I feel I should mention that My Honey views the car collection as an investment. There are more of them...lots more (grimaces at that admission). Honey had a 60x80 shop that a clue? (That shop is at the 'old' house...Selling that property isn't really an option right now, with the housing market in the, I guess we won't have to worry about an alternative for a while.)
The Corvette is MH's dream car. To be honest...I have no desire to drive it. It scares the hell out of me. We went from 0 to 110 in the snap of the fingers.
The Challenger, with only a more of a cruizer. That I can handle.
Now, if I only had a convertible. ;-)
I'm kidding!!!!
SWEEEEET!!!! Have to admit though, like most everyone else I thought the 'hers' would have hooves, or be a sweet new truck to pull your LQ.
If your honey sees a 68 or 69 Camaro GT for sale and doesn't have room for it tell him to buy it and I'll babysit it for him ;)
I see some blogger girl road trips in your future! I wanna ride! :)
Love the new cars!!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is F***ing NOT FAIR!!!!!!! DUDE!
Not ONLY do you a '70s challenger, it's the same as GIBBS'! WTH! :D
Yeah, so I was slightly excited in the last comment ;)
Very nice car! Dusty Helbling owns the other Challenger from the movie.
I own the red 1965 Shelby that Morgan Freeman drove.
Michael Clemens
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