Unfortunately, the trip did not go as planned...There was much drama...Fighting spouses, accusations of infidelity and the person who was in charge of planning the entire event fled to California for a 'vacation', while the rest of us were left wondering WTF just happened. I probably would have felt some sympathy for this now former 'friend'...except any sympathy I might have towards someone that is psychotic was swallowed up by my rage at her dragging my daughter into her disgusting implications and malicious disregard for anyone except herself.
We would have all packed up and left except for one little detail...the ranch owner had no one else to help do his spring work. And *I* was not raised to leave someone high and dry like that and thankfully Crystal was game to stay and get the work done as well. It was not exactly what anyone would call a 'fun' time working cattle, but by god, we got it done...
The ranch owner already knew Megan because she had been working at his ropings and after the first day at the ranch, he offered her a job. I think he had been looking for a way to get rid of having to deal with the nutcase anyway and when he found out Meg needed a job, he was HAPPY to have someone he could actually count on. Come to find out, this wasn't the first time the other person had let everyone down and/or left them in a lurch. It's always sad when you find out the truth about the person behind the internet facade, but it ended up working out well for Meg...
I couldn't do without my riding partner at that moment, not to mention that Megan didn't even own a vehicle yet, so she came home with me til the first of May and we got her set up and ready to spend at least the summer working for the ranch owner.
Megan has been so excited...and worried, every since I told her to take the job. Meg is young and doesn't have a lot of experience, so she worries that she won't know how to do a lot of things. I told her to seize the opportunity and think of it as a life experience.
Today, they loaded up and left for the ranch...
And away they went...
My family keeps saying, 'Aren't you scared for her being down there all alone?'...And I tell them, 'Nope!, I'm a little jealous though.' At my age, I have no desire to work like she is going to have too. When I was her age I would have killed for the opportunity to do what she is going to get to do. :-)
Meg's going to do great. It is going to be a good life experience for her. My only worry would be the crazy neighbor stirring up more stuff.
Tell her to be careful, please.
She's off the deep end for sure, but I don't think she is suicidal....if you know what I mean. ;-). Not to mention, I have spies everywhere here. LOL. She has absolutely no idea how many people hate her over that last little incident. You can be as crazy as you want to be...but drag someone's innocent kid into your BS and they NEVER forget...or forgive you. :-D. Meg is more protected than she realizes.
She's lucky to have such a wonderful opportunity... I know I would have loved a summer job like that when I was younger. Heck, who am I kidding? Even now! I'm sure she'll have a great time and it'll be something she remembers forever. :)
Congrats to Meg for making such a good showing of her abilities! Hoping this is a great experience for her.Lucky little lady I would say
That is fantastic for Megan! Will be such a good experience for her and she will learn so much!! I thought I knew a lot about horses and then went to work for a very large training/breeding/show facility and OMG! Not only do you work your butt off, but learn a TON!! I can't wait to hear how it's going for her!
That is so cool....the job part not the drama part. She is going to have a blast!
I have to say this- I am sooooo jealous of Meg on this one. I would love to be able to have a summer filled with riding and ranch work. Unfortunately someone has to work and pay the bills...
The drama? Yeah, that sucks, but the truth always has a way of coming out. For those trying to impress people online- WHY?
I'm glad you and Crystal were able to stick around and get things done for the rancher. Actions speak far louder than words and when the chips are down, you know who will have your back.
Grats to Meg! I am super jealous of that truck - I learned to drive on an '86 F150 with a bad clutch. They're unstoppable tanks, lol.
This is an amazing opportunity for Megan! You're right, I wouldn't want to work that hard now either...but back then? Oh hell yeah!! She's going to love it, and do some growing up as well. So excited for her!! I bet she has so much fun.
What a great opportunity for Megan!! She'll learn a ton, and probably have a ton of stories too (hmmm, wonder if there will be a few Mom won't get to hear? lol)
The drama part sure sucks. Sounds like y'all have distanced yourself from it though and have enough good friends down there that neither of you will get sucked into it again.
Hell - I'm jealous of Meg!
Wow - sorry about the drama. It never seems to end no matter how old a person gets does it? Sounds like you did the right thing - and it worked out for the best in the end!
Oh she is a lucky girl for sure and she will learn a tonne down there! Cant believe how big that pup has gotten!
I sure would like to go back down there again, I really enjoyed it despite all the drama. Meg needs a blog to let us all know whats going on
Haha-Well Crystal...It is definitely one for the storybooks. LMAO!! We will definitely have to go back and have another go at it. ;-)
Banshee just grew like a weed this last month. He is going to be a b.i.g. dog. It was so funny when we unloaded back at the AZ house, he got out, looked around and was like, 'I'm home!!' and just settled right into the same routine we had before. LOL. I miss my little 'pig-face'.
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