I really don't like going over the mountain pass (Vail Pass and The Eisenhower Tunnel) at even a hint of bad weather when I am pulling my big trailer. Not to mention it doesn't do me much good to drive over 700 miles, if it's muddy back at the ranch. Our ranch road is dirt...aka...gumbo. If the weather gets bad, I can't get into the place anyway.
I'm pretty anxious to finally get my Shooter back though. You know the funny thing about raising babies?...When they are born, you think it is going to be forever before they are old enough to ride and do something with...
And before you know it...
They are coming 4 y/o's and you wonder where the time went.
MUST get home as soon as the weather permits!
wow he looks fantastic! Man he got tall! Hope you can get up there soon!
Time Flies, huh? You bet it does.
Nice that he get's to grow up without being pushed too far, too fast, too young. He'll be in it for the long haul because of that.
I started reading this blof when Shooter was a baby, I can't even think where 4 years have gone.
Awe nuts! hope you get the good weather soon and get that handsome fell home!
Dang... seems like just a couple days ago that Shooter arrived in this world--- now look at him. All handsome and grown up!! Can't wait to watch how he continues to grow and bloom once you get him home with you. He sure is a fine fine looking fellow!!!!!!
Smack them hams from me ;)
Thank you for the great ulcer advice! I truly appreciate it!! I am going to discuss some of the options you mentioned with another vet that worked with Loretta and her colic issues. I am hoping to find a solution that is affordable and effective. Luckily it's a grade one and hopefully we can get it resolved before it comes worse. I just hope that stuck in heat thing doesn't continue too long and worsen the ulcer even after we've got it healed!
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