Tuesday, January 11, 2011

On The Downhill Slide

It's that time. Time to get back to work on the ponies. The first barrel race of the year is only a couple months away ya know. March 23rd!

Tried that saddle on Moon...
(Just using Meg's pad as a guide and I see I need to order a shorter length. This one is still too long on Moon)
See GL...Us western people tent our pads too. ;-)

I dunno, it fits better than anything else I have. I need to get to get new blevin's buckles for it, new stirrups and oil it so I can cinch it down and start riding it. I am hoping that it will lay better at the back after having been oiled.

Started bringing these three in for daily graining...
Moon, Spooks and Turk.

Right now, the focus is only on these three. Frosty will join the mix soon, then Bugs and finally Jet as the weather warms.

The only other two I will be bringing out for myself later this year will be big Sandy and Shooter. Beretta will go back to SD for a year.

Meg has mentioned she would like to have her blue roan back for this season. It's the first time she has mentioned competing again in a long time. I hope she wants to get back on track with the horses. I have sorely missed her company. I don't want to push, but I am really hoping that she will also take on that Boon Bar mare we have. That's a nice mare and she sure looks like she would be fun. I'd take her for myself, but 8 head is going to keep me more than busy this year.


C-ingspots said...

I like that saddle, especially the deep seat. It looks pretty good in the front, but I agree that the back sticks up a little bit. Have you checked it for a front to back rock? I tent my saddle pads too, always have.

Cut-N-Jump said...

Good Gawd woman! I think 8 is a lot on the plate for anyone. Yeah, I know, once you get them going, they don't take much to maintain the momentum, but still!

Since he got his nuts cut off, I have been working with Mondo and getting him brought up to speed where he should be. He's going to make a helluva nice hunter pony, may do a few lower level dressage tests and if nothing else, by the time the girls are ready and he has racked up some mileage- he's going to be an Awesome little all around horse for them.

Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I will be getting the big mare under saddle- got a bridle and a bit that fits, and ordered a girth the other day... Kat man will also be logging the miles in harness and I am hoping to have him ready for the upcoming spring shows.

It's good to plan and in some cases dream, right?

Cut-N-Jump said...

And in reading thru the last few posts- have you checked out the 5star pads? Wool felt and hella nice. A bit pricey like the others, but ya get what ya pay for.

You ever check your emails anymore?

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Yep CNJ-Actually now more than ever because I have my Apple set up to tell me when I have new mail.LOL-I is modern now.

I also remember you talking about the 5Stars and that they were good quality as well. I believe they are guaranteed for 2000 hours and come with a little cleaning tool.

LOL-There is going to be a lot of 'ponying' going on this year. That means I only have to put conditioning hours on 2 for the time of 1 and then a bit of training time.

C-ing-Yes, but it was a little hard to tell. The leather was really stiff since it has been cold here lately and the saddle has been in the trailer...and it definitely needs a good oiling to soften the fenders so they can flex enough to let the bars sit down.

The easiest way to tell with Moon is to cinch him up and ride a saddle without a breast collar. This horse pushes saddles back like no other I have ever owned. It's the way his shoulder blades lay, as he is not a wide bodied horse. Sue Smith also noted that he falls away rather abruptly behind his shoulder blade so it's possible that I may need to have a pad built for him rather than a saddle. I thank goodness Moon is the only one like this I have. He has been a pain in the butt his whole life. He's lucky he's talented or the cons may have outweighted the pros.

GunDiva said...

So you gonna haul a couple over for HCR? We normally wouldn't have people bring their horses to HCR, but since yours are already acclimated, it might be kind of fun :)

Sherry Sikstrom said...

G get 'em cowgirl!!! 8???? I got tired just thinking it ! I am sure you will rock! Makes my measly 3 (and Johnnie ) that I want to work with sound like pretty light work

Crystal said...

Wow now I don't feel so bad, i will have 5 this summer (well maybe 4, I think one's in foal) and I was getting stressed about that!

Mikey said...

How do you have so much energy girl?! I'm trying to keep 4 going, HA! It's whupping me. I admire your dedication though, and I can't wait to see some performance videos!!

cdncowgirl said...

Not trying to harp on the subject but I have to mention (again) the Ed Wright pads. The ones I bought have built in inserts for that spot behind the shoulder.
Both my boys seem wide (heck of course they do after all those years riding my slim TB mare! lol) But they aren't truly that wide, they both have a dip behind the shoulder blades.
At the clinic I asked Ed about saddle fit and he used Voodoo as a model. My saddle fit okay but not great. Put on one of the pads with the inserts and holy smoke did it make a difference!

Oh and good news! I was worried that my Billy Cook wasn't fitting Applejack that well. Had a lady come out to do chiro & massage on him. She's pretty sure his saddle fit is good :)

Rising Rainbow said...

Wow, eight is a lot. I'd like to be working that many too but there just aren't enough hours in the day. Just the tacking and untacking of that many can be exhausting. LOL

Paint Girl said...

I love the saddle! I hope it works for Moon! I have been wanting to get a barrel saddle for so long. I have even thought of trading in my trail saddle for one, but having a really hard time giving up my trail saddle! It is so comfy, but so darn heavy!

Leah Fry said...

I traded my enormous and heavy trail saddle for a barrel saddle last year and it was the best move I could have made. I like the deep pocket. It's taken awhile for it to break in and lay right.

Are there enough hours in a day for 8??

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

You guys are scaring me. LOL

Unknown said...

How exciting! I loved it when my first competition for the year showed up on the radar! I got all buzzed just reading your post.

PS I hope Meg gets back into it too...

Kristen said...

I sure hope the blue roan makes it back! I just love him, absolutely gorgeous!