My Big Fuzz flew the coop. He's the one on the right...
Apparently he made his way back to our old house and has moved back into the garage. That was rather terrifying to hear. Since he had to cross over 80 acres of open desert and cross a very busy highway. Luckily for us (and the Big Fuzz) the people who are living in the old house are friends and are perfectly willing to let him stay. He has food and water in the garage and hopefully he stays put there until we can figure something out that will make him want to stay here at the new house.
Since BF's departure last week, his brother Duece (the white/black cat on the left in the above photo) has been dashing into the house every single time the door is opened. He has never been alone and doesn't like it AT ALL. I have been letting him stay in and so far no big cat fights and no spraying. Duece has been spending most of his time in Megan's bedroom and having him back snuggling with her at night has made Megan very happy.
This might work. If Duece gets settled in the house with the other two cats, maybe I can bring the Big Fuzz back and do the same thing with him. It might work one at a time.
And then there is this poor thing (he's really not this ugly, just wouldn't give me an decent photo ops-LOL)...
"Charlie Cat" (I had to call him something and he looks like the last cat my dad had who's name was Charlie as well) made it known this morning that he was in dire need of some groceries and maybe a new home. He is nothing but a rack of bones under that fluff...
This morning I met My Honey at the corner and stopped to visit for a second. I was returning from taking my nephew to the airport and MH was headed into town. As I was leaning out the window to talk to MH, I see this cat coming out of the ditch and heading for the vehicles. It came right between the vehicles and started meowing and rubbing on MH's car. I told MH to be careful when he pulled away so he didn't run over the cat. The poor cat was meowing very loudly and rubbing frantically on the car body. About the time, MH leans his head out the window to look down at the cat, I can tell this cat is sizing up whether he can make the jump into the open pickup window, when that cat saw MH lean his head out of the car door, he didn't even hesitate...He jumped right in the car. Obviously this poor guy was desperate and wasn't about to let a good opportunity pass him by. The second MH had his hands on him, he realized how starved the cat was and we decided to at least take him to the house and let him eat something.
Poor kitty attacked the food so we left him alone for a while to eat, drink and then get some rest. MH headed into town and strangely enough noticed a flyer with a picture of a cat that looked like the one we had just picked up. We called the number and the lady was just out to look at him. It's not her cat, so I guess we have a guest for awhile or a new cat. We'll see what Charlie Cat decides to do when he gets his belly filled up. He's neutered and extremely friendly. He was obviously someone's pet, but has been wayward for long enough to starve down. If he hadn't been starved, we never would have brought him home. I'll have Meg make some fliers to hang up just in case Charlie wasn't dumped out here, but I'm guessing from the shape he is in, he's been on his own for at least a couple of weeks and doesn't appear to be a cat comfortable with an outdoor in...apparently didn't know how to hunt well enough to feed himself.
such good hearts!!! he will be well taken care of no matter what:) He is really cute though:) Hopefully Big Fuzz will come home and settle in next time. Always hard on them when you have to move. Crazy the lengths they will go to, to get back to their smell:)
Wow, talk about the incredible journey! What a cat!
I have a Charlie cat at my shop. Same story, this one is declawed, too..
Of course, we are feeding him..
Good luck!
Wow! I can't believe your cat went 80 miles to your old place! Crazy kitty! I hear of cats doing that and it amazes me that they find their way.
Charlie cat is too cute. I hope no one dumped him. I am so glad you were able to bring him home to feed him. I would have done the same. I can't stand seeing animals starving!
Oh no guys...There is an 80 ACRE field between our new house and the old house. It's only 3/4 of a mile (as the crow flies) between the houses....but it's dangerous territory. It's open desert and this area is chock full of coyotes and fox and then he did have to cross a busy highway.
Sorry, didn't mean to make ya'll think BF was 'the amazing cat' or anything-LOL.
Poor kitty! obviously new an open heart when he saw one though.GladBF found his way to a safe and familiar place . Stubborn booger huh?
hmmm too bad about your cat going home, but nice Charlie cat came for a visit.
Glad you know where your kitty is :)
I'm glad you rescued Charlie cat! And I'm amazed that your other cat made it back to your old property, that's crazy
Awww, poor thing! I'm so glad you brought him home, its too cold for lil kitties out there!!
BF is lucky folks were welcoming when he returned. Hopefully he'll get it figured out where his family is and stay put when you try again.
Charlie certainly was smart enough to figure out how to get you to take him home. Hope things work out for this cat. He sounds like a nice fellow.
Well, Charlie Cat sure knew a good thing when he saw it! LOL When we moved, I had a large wire crate (think Great Dane size) that I kept my cat in for about a week. After I released him, he stayed put. Amazing what some critters will do to get back to where they think they belong.
Glad you found Big Fuzz. And Charlie Cat is lucky to have found YOU! We keep ending up with cats in a similar manner ourselves. Only, most seem to come from across the street where that family doesn't believe in spaying or neutering.
Dang I hope he doesn't turn around and try to find you guys after such a trip.
And that other little guy is incredibly cute - makes ya sad doesn't it? I wish I could save them all...
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