Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Crazy Squirrel

It's been a long time since I have posted anything about Scrat.
He went through an Angry Squirrel faze that had us extremely leery of doing anything with him. It got so bad that I told the fam that trying to keep a Rock Squirrel as a 'pet' just wasn't in the cards. Not having ever been around any types of squirrels before, this is all new. I figured we would have to come up with some way to acclimate him a life in the wild.
But he seems to have come out of that. I suspect it may have had something to do with his testosterone level. Ummm-Let's just say that his nickname went from Squirrel Nuts to Bull Nuts in the last couple of months!

Enjoy the antics of the squirrel. He keeps us in stitches again...


Rising Rainbow said...

He's just too cute. I'm glad his behavior has tamed down. I don't know that he would retrain into a "wild" squirrel very well.

I remember having squirrels living around a rental house I lived in many years ago. Those things drove us nuts begging for food and trying to get into the house and they were never domesticated, just fed by the previous tenants. They are smart little rodents.

Mrs. Mom said...

LOL He is worse than a cat!! Too stinkin cute!!

Hi Meg!!

Allenspark Lodge said...

Great videos! But it makes me miss my fox squirrel, Bomber. I seem to recall he went through a "play rough" stage when he went through puberty...


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Too funny. At my mother's cabin in the mountains, the squirrels and chipmunks like to sneak in through any opening they can find and sneak up from behind us to beg for a peanut.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

What a cutie! glad he found his inner zen and became a nice guy again

Ms Martyr said...

I was wondering if he could be neutered. Of course my husband claims I'm always trying to cut the balls off of any male I come in contact with.

GunDiva said...

I miss Bomber so much now. Dang it.

Train Wreck said...

BEC!How the heck are you my friend? A Squirrel!? He is too cute lol Have you seen the movie "UP" I am always yelling "SQUIRREL!" My Cowboy laughs everytime, I know he thinks I am nuts;) Missed you hope to be back with photos soon.

Funder said...

That squirrel is TOO cute!

cdncowgirl said...

The 1st vid wouldn't load for me but the 2nd was funny... reminds me of games I'd play with our pups and cats when they were little.
Can he be neutered? And if he can, would you consider it??

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Blogger has not been playing nice with it's video's at all for me either.

As for the neutering?

We did consider it when he started getting mean, but I waffled as to whether that would be a good idea? We didn't know if Scrat go so mean because he was a male squirrel or if it was just because of the type of rodent he is.

I did ask the vet and when he got done laughing at how we ended up with a rock squirrel, he said he thought he could figure it out.

Unknown said...

Way way too cute!! He is a well fed squirrel I see! I had been wondering about him.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's grouchy because he's supposed to hibernating now.. lack of sleep makes everyone cranky :) Angie