Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Getting A Head Start

Looks like both Megan and Beretta are getting a head start on next year - LOL...

Hmmmm...Wonder if I am going to lose my filly?


Sherry Sikstrom said...

Wondering if?? or wondering when it happened?

Mikey said...

Lol, I second FernValley...not your filly anymore!

Kristen said...

um is this a recent shot? She's wearing a t-shirt?! I'm jealous!

Mrs. Mom said...

Yeah... I'm guessing yer SOL on Beretta now.. HA~

Laura said...

Maybe she'll share... :-)

ACountryCowgirl said...

I so love her outfit, that is something I would wear:) Looks like y'all are busy, busy in the background working on stuff. Beretta is soooo stinkin cute!!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Krisein-That was taken just last week, right before we left of Vegas. It was over 60 degrees. We are having a much milder winter than we did last year. Thankfully!...and it can stay that way (fingers crossed and knocking on wood).

ACC-Yea, The Man gets busy here and there burning weeds and playing at moving stuff around on his bobcat-LOL.

As for Meg...It's about time we get some role reversal going here-LOL. I've spent all of these last few years getting horses going for her. It's time for her to start taking over the colt starting end of this deal - LMAO. Isn't that the greatest thing about having kids? I'll let her have Beretta for a couple of years and when she is all broke and gentle...I can swoop in and take her back (evil laugh).

GunDiva said...

Meg's a good little horsewoman. I can't belive how well Beretta's behaving with the weed burning goin on right behind them.

So, if I happen to "find" two little black fillies that just might or might not be Estes' great-granddaughters, you think Meg will get them started for me?

cdncowgirl said...

Wow has Beretta grown! She's lookin good, but yeah I'd let Meg start her and then you can reclaim her in a few years lmao

Crystal said...

Hmm looks like she is lost already!

Danielle Michelle said...

Both your gals are getting big!

Glad you had fun at the Rodeo! I wish I could have made it this year - aren't the opening shows awesome?

Leah Fry said...

Maybe, but she'd be in good hands!

Rising Rainbow said...

YA'll better watch that kid. She's got ulterior motives. You can see it in her eyes. LOL

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have someone to do all the work for you! Beretta looks great! And Megan is doing a great job!
I sure hope this comment goes through, I have a helluva time trying to comment by my cell phone!
Paint Girl- (we are goig to try doing this anonomously since it worked on my own blog, so hopefully it works here)