You would think that moving a mere 1/2 mile would make this moving business not such a pain in the butt.
Yes and No.
Yes in the fact that it is really nice to be able to load up a few things, haul them to the new house and put them exactly where they need to go. None of the usual, box everything up, load everything up, haul it to new house, unload and have to unpack everything. Nope, my moving boxes number exactly 4. I fill them up, take them to the new house, put everything away and repeat.
But it is still a pain in the butt to move. I don't care how you do it. Moving the big stuff is always easy. The first bit of little stuff is also always easy. But then when you get down to the odds and ends...
Why are there always soooooo many odds and ends?
The new house turned out beautiful. Sorry, I thought I had a picture of the hardwood floor completely refinished, but I guess all I have is this one...

It's not as hard as I had heard it was. But I contribute that to the invention of rotary sanders vs those big old belt sanders. Those belt sanders were known to put some pretty hefty dips in your hardwood if you didn't know how to use them properly. These newer rotary sanders are much more 'beginner' friendly. Applying the sealer ended up being the most intricate part of the whole process. I tried to be exceedingly careful but still ended up with a fair number of runs and drips. No problem though...Just sand them out and do it over. The varnish over the top was easy. I did that and then took off for Arizona. Hah hah...see there is a method to my madness. ;-) Perfect way to let the floor 'cure'.
The 1st living room (I call it the sitting room)...
We are ready to start staying at the new house now. Ninety percent of everything is there. I have to tell you all this...My Honey sure wasn't every enthusiastic about moving. He likes 'his' house. I don't blame him for that. Home is where your stuff is. But, after we moved in the rest of the furniture and started getting things set up, MH is absolutely thrilled to be moving into the new house. That makes everything it took to get this place whipped out worth it.
Dude. That looks freaking AWESOME.
Hey HoneyMan-- enjoy the new look and change of pace there! ;) And Heavens above man, give your wonderful wife a massage!!! She damn sure deserves it after busting butt (and back, arms, legs, etc) to whip that place into shape. It looks amazing!!!
Wow! what a difference! you have done wonders with that house ,it is gorgeous. Poor hubby , just had to find his groove in the new place .Well done !
that looks amazing! I hear you on moving close, my mom moved half a block away and it was awful cause no packing was really done, we just moved everythign by itself, what a pain! would have taken less time to move accross town than that close, and not much got thrown out cause it wasnt packed.
Looks great and I can appreciate all the work you've put into it. I often wonder if I will ever know what it is like to live in an uncluttered house ever again. I think the lack of clutter is why I like hotel rooms so much. I'm trying to clean house today to prepare for a visitor, but it's impossible. Too much stuff covered in dust.
Looks great!! Wanna come refinish my hardwood floors for me??? ;-)
I think moving is alot of work regardless of how far you go... That being said, glad that most of the move is over for you guys... We moved "next door" when I was a teenager and it was alot of work too.
I sure hate moving... no fun! I love that fireplace it's gonna look amazing at Christmas! :-) And how cool to be right there with your horses, that will be awesome. Place looks great my friend, congrats!
Beautiful! Looks sunny and I'll bet it is a warm and cozy place to read a book!
Looks wonderful! Love how it's turned out. Love how you're moving too, lol. 4 boxes at a time. That's how it should be done!!
Great job! You should be proud of all that hard work. It feels so much better when you can say you did it yourself.
Rode in the snow today and thought lots about you guys. Now go enjoy those horses.
Oh I am still drooling over those kitchen cabinets!! What I would do for some like those LOL!!! That is awesome about the carpet!!! Wait until you see my living room makeover post coming soon....The carpet was baby blue and I have lived with it for 4 years like this and had enough!! When we pulled it out they actually had the date stamped on the back of the carpet...It was 18 years old!! HOLY COW!! I about crapped! So glad it's gone!!
Loving the new house and I am so glad the MH is loving it now too!!
Congratulations and good job. And thanks for the tip about that carpet cleaner. I have some seriously nasty carpet.
I know what you mean about moving. I just moved from one trailer to another, about a hundred yards apart, and it was TRYING. I mean - where does all this stuff I have COME from???
and, your house looks great!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
Yeah!! The house looks awesome!!
I hate moving too, and odds and ends, where do they come from? Ugghh!
Once you get everything in it's place, you will be so relieved!!
Wow, looks fantastic! We had to totally gut our house, lathe, plaster old green shag carpeting and all! I did most of the demo myself. Nothing left but a shell, new electrical, drywall and flooring throughout....minus one bedroom that I refinished the oak floors....know all about it! I applaud go get some pampering for yourself....SPA! Awesome job!
I am coming out of lurkdom to cheer for you! Your house looks absolutely amazing. I've been following since you bought it and it looked like a dump - it's a gorgeous place now. I wish you'd come to Reno and help me pick colors for my living room!
Having lived through hardwood floors being redone, you have my total respect. What a project just the floors were, let alone everything else. Your new home is very impressive.
BECs it is BEYOOTIFUL!!! Which one is my room?
Can I borrow your readers for just a moment or two?
It is important and for a very good cause. word verif is "purring"
That does look awesome! Look at this, I don't have time to blog for a while and then you go and move on me! LOL!
"The house is gonna be great!"
Well at least that's what they kept saying in the movie The Money Pit.
Yours turned out AWESOME!
So how many times did people ask you if they tested missles here?
I hope your hubby appreciates the work you put into it. Once it is done, you must have had an overpowering sense of accomplishment and rightfully so.
The one good thing about moving- It forces us to go through ALL of our accumulated (sp?) crap. All of it. No matter how close or far away you move.
Thinking of you, BECG, on this Thanksgiving Day. Hope all is well and you're having a great day.
I love that giant fireplace you have. If you love where I live, you will be using it tonight!
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