Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fuzzy Ponies

My dirty little Beretta...

The boys...
They are faring well. So far the weather has been pretty darn decent around here (fingers crossed) and everyone is at just about the right weight.

Still hasn't made it to the trainer. At this point, I think I might as well wait until February or March to send him. I'm hoping to have my round pen set up and sand hauled in by the end of this week, so if the weather holds up, I will probably start his ground-work myself. It will make his time at the trainer's more effective and he can focus on getting him rode rather than having to start from scratch.

Other than that, the only two I am keeping my focus on at this time are Moon...

And Spooks...
I am really only spending time riding around the neighborhood. A small effort to keeping them in some sort of condition. Moon enjoys strolling around and Spooks needs to learn how to move o.u.t....not so up and down.

I can't keep up with the whole bunch this time of year, so the others will just have to wait their turn. ;-)

Speaking of....the sun is out and it has warmed up...I'm off for my afternoon ride.


Mrs. Mom said...


Did you watch any of the Pumpkin Chunkin commercials for this year? The song for the event is YOUR theme song girl... *hehehesnorkgiggle*

"I like 'em biiig,
"I like 'em Chunky!"

*ducking now*

Unknown said...

Oh how I love Spooks color and looks. I am such a sucker for that .....sigh..... I like moon too don't get me wrong....

Sherry Sikstrom said...

They look good, we have snow ,ice and poor footing already so...

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Shhh...now MM, we prefer the PC term, big-boned around here. You know we are a sensitive crew. Bwahahaha

Don't worry Stephanie-I like almost all of the other horses better than I like Moon too. ;-) But I really like this black horse. I cannot say that I am disappointed him and Megan did not click.

Yea fern...Do you all mind keeping that snow and ice up your way...since you already have it and all? <:-)

Vaquerogirl said...

Looks sunny and bright- but I'll bet it is COLD! All the ponies looked loved!

Sound Proud International said...

Are they all yous? Wow! They are so many! They all looked very healthy. you're good in taking care of them. :)

Kristen said...

we had great weather up until today.... snow flurries in the a.m. (luckily nothing that stuck) but the temp is down in the 20's right now... NO FUN! I'm gonna buck up and go for a ride tomorrow though, I'm eager to get on the new guy & to put some time in my new saddle! btw, love the boys! Moon is def my favorite!

GunDiva said...

Love the fuzzy ponies! Don't you just love burying your hands deep in their fuzziness? Love it.

ACountryCowgirl said...

Man they have fuzzed up a lot just since I have seen them:) Happy little ponies they are:) But hey they got an awesome mom!!! Wish I was closer we could wander around the neighborhood together:)

Crystal said...

they look so cute and furry! Seems like there is always more to ride than time, especially in winter.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...


Oh contraire VG. We have been in the 40's darned near every day....Ummm...In your world, that equates to about 60 degrees. (giggle) Sorry, couldn't help it. ;-)

This week we are expected to get into the 50's. Fingers crossed, fingers crossed that is stays just like this until...Oh March would be good and then it can warm up.

Danielle Michelle said...

The weather has been fairly decent here also - when the wind doesn't blow...that is...

Glad the move went/is going well!

One Bad Pixie said...

It is that time of year when you see your own breath and there's frost on everything. Just think about all the complaining we each did during the summer - It's too hot!"

That should warm you up!

Oooh and 13th! Here too...

Word verif- haste lol

Allenspark Lodge said...

We love fuzzy ponies, too, and boy do I 'get' the big-boned phrase - as Megan attested to when you were here.

Dropped our guys off for some winter munching then headed to AZ for a week, missing the -19* while we were gone. Checked on the horses when we got home and they had fuzzed up even more, seeming to not be bothered at all by the cold! Now we are headed to Las Vegas for the WNFR, but guess we will miss you there. Have fun when you get there!