I kept forgetting my camera at the new house.
Here ya go...
The finished big living room...
I think the finished walls look awesome with the stone fireplace...
The 'faux' finish came out looking more marbly than leathery and I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but by the time it had dried, I loved it. The chocolate tones down the red just right. I tried and tried to get close-up pics of the marbling effect, but kept getting a glare. Maybe after I get shades up on the windows.
The finished (except for the baseboard) master bedroom...
The sheetrock repairs are done, so I can finish painting in the kitchen/dining/sitting room. The ceiling repair ended up being a little bit bigger than I anticipated...
Obviously that swamp cooler line had been leaking up in the attic for quite some time. A lot of the sheetrock was sagged away from the beams. Once it pulls away like that, there isn't much you can do but cut it out and replace it...
Obviously, still needing to have the joints finished and the texture applied, but thanks to the existing texture...making it 'blend' is not going to be a problem. I also get the joy of crawling up into the attic and replacing all of the insulation in that section-LOL.
My only BIG project remaining is refinishing the hardwood floor. I was hoping to have that done this week so that it could sit over the weekend...but I don't really see that happening. It will just have to wait until next weekend.
There is still a bit more painting to do in the kitchen/dining/sitting room, but I should have that whipped out in the next day or so. I am going to antique those walls as well, but am not really going to worry about that at the moment.
There is still a thousand and one 'little' projects to complete, but once the hardwood floor is done, there is no reason we cannot start moving in. There is nothing else that needs to be done that will interfere with our daily lives. A few light fixture replacements, new screen doors, a new window...you know...little things-LOL.
yet the million and one little things seem to be the easiest, cheapest and quickest fixes and for some reason go undone for such a long time. I hate that part of it!
I try to take one weekend and hammer out as many as I can. Makes me feel like I have accomplished a lot, when really it was only the little things... sigh
Looks amazing !
the annoying little things that add up to so much! The house looks great! I love love LOVE your living room! Great fire place and the walls are fantastic! Congrats to you!
That's a lot of work. I've been trying to paint just one room for the past three weeks. I have to stop after a couple of hours because my arm and back muscles get so sore.
that living room looks so cool! I love teh fireplace with that wall!
I hate little things, they take way longer than I expect and stop the big things from getting done.
Totally jealous, gorgeous work, what a nice house..
OH, I messed up your e-mail the first time.
Invite re-sent..
All I can say is... *drooooool*
Looks. Freaking. Amazing.
Hey--- TWENTYFOURHOURS!!!!!! WHOOOHOOOOO!!! Y'all ready?? ;)
Thanks guys. I love this house. It's one of those that lends itself really well to what I like. It has good bones-LOL.
It's gorgeous!!! That's going to be so comfortable when you get settled in. You've been workin' hard!
I love this, being a former mural artist and faux finisher....you did a wonderful job! You should be proud of it! Awesome....love the lighting!
Everything looks so beautiful!! I'm impressed with how much you've done and how great it's all turned out. That's quite an accomplishment...bet you can't wait to start moving in huh? I would be. Oh yes, those pesky little things that seem to take forever...HATE that part!! We still have those little things to be finished in our bathroom 3 years later!!!! grrrrrr!! Sore subject - bet you won't be that way though.
Girl, is there anything you CAN'T do? This is amazing.
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