It was a bit nippy as we headed out, but once we got over the hill to the trails, it was really beautiful. In more ways than one...

(L-R) Mrs Mom on Washoe, Me on Estes, Megan on Jesse and GunDiva on Ranger...
Compass was behind the camera for us. Poor Estes found herself between Jesse and Washoe and was about ready to freak. Apparently a place she would rather not be. But she was a total sweetheart the entire ride for me. You can tell this mare has covered some country in her life.
(L-R) Mrs Mom on Washoe, Me on Estes, Megan on Jesse and GunDiva on Ranger...
Coming down the trail...
Estes is a leader, so here I am, a total stranger to this neck of the woods and I was in the lead the entire time-LOL...

The 'infamous' Casa Bonita...
After supper, Meg and I rudely ran off like two errant children to play in the arcade...
Mostly cause after gobbling down an entire plate of so-so Mexican food, I was tired. We had all had a long day and lots of fresh air. I needed to get amped back up again for the drive back to the lodge. I finally took pity on poor Mrs Mom and DH...both were feeling the effects of trimming feet earlier in the day, so we headed out.
I shouldn't have worried about getting tired though. Meg and I are idiots when we travel...Jamming to music, practicing multiple head bobs and the like. However, DH kept us all in stitches most of the way home. The man has quite a talent for voice imitations. And just so everyone knows...We found our ho-hos!!!!
The 'sole' sisters in their entirety...and not even bundled up looking like it's 40 below or something...
(l-r) Meg, GunDiva, Mrs Mom, me(LT) and Juanita (GunDiva's mom and hostess extraordinaire)
We hit a bit (that's kind of an understatement) of the white stuff on the way home...
But the roads were good coming and going...which is saying something this time of year. The passes (Vail and The Eisenhower/Johnson Tunnels) can be very unpredictable.
Thanks again to GunDiva and Bill and Juanita for letting us ride your horses. Horse people know that privilege is not given lightly. So anytime ya'll want to come over to the 'desert' side of the state, your more than welcome and I've got plenty of ponies to share too.
Oh, and BTW...THANK YOU to Mrs Mom and Bill for mentioning my teenage daughter's extraordinary eyerolling ability. I tell her and tell her and she denies she does it. Soooooo....glad I'm not the only one seeing her doing it. Bwahahahaha
I guess you caught the storm before it got here. We now have 7 new inches of the white stuff on the ground. We had a great time with you; it has been nothing short of marvelous getting to meet horsy-bloggers. Thanks again, Meg, for tolerating Jesse-who can be a huge pain in the arse until she decides she likes you. You did super with her. We love you both; come any time.
I only saw her rolling her eyes at you once, and man, you deserved it!
Tons of fun. Come back any time. Only next time I want to ride, too.
First - I'm totally stealing all of the group pics!
The ride was great. In reviewing the pictures and videos, I found that we have loads of pictures and video immediately *before* the gunshot that puckered both Ranger and me up, but no one actually has a picture of my eyes bugging out of my head and my hands holding onto his mane (and my camera) for dear life as he decided whether or not to leave me behind and go home. :)
It was a good time girls, we'll have to do it again. And you can be darn sure that we'll take you up on your offer to ride on the desert side of the state.
Oh. My. Gosh.
I'm beyond envious.
(and a bit shocked that we got such a good look at Mrs Hermit, errr.. Mrs Mom lol)
Wow, A pic of Mrs. Mom. Is the world going to come to an end?
Wait, is that what caused this weather?
Spotz you are *such* a smart ass! LOL
I'm with the Diva- stealing the group shots too!!!
For the record, I think I could have *maybe* taken Meg in an arm wrestling contest. Maybe ;)
Can't WAIT to do it again sometime! Dude- can you imagine BILL on the trail with us???? Holy cow we'd best be wearing some Depends cause I'm betting we'll be laughing more than we were coming back from Casa Bonita!!! LMAO
I am amazed the horses did so well with the hunting and carrying out of the carcass. Amazing! I've had to go pumpkin out here lately, too, but as yet, have not encountered anything.
Beautiful photos!!
Lots of great shots! you all look wonderful and it looks like a good time was had by all
boy I'm jealous!!!
I'm so impressed that that horse tolerated having a deer carcass hanging on it's back. My horses would freak if I dragged that thing within 50-feet of them. It's so nice to see Mrs. Mom's smiling face. I think I've only seen pictures of her off in the distance.
wow how fun!
I am so jealous! I'll have to let you all know the next time I'm in Colorado (was there at the end of July for a concert at Red Rocks plus hangout time in Estes of our favorite spots). My father was from Colorado and while I don't know family there, it's fun going and thinking about what my family did.
WOW looks like a wonderful time. We just got back from a job interview in colorado and we definetly fell in love and hope it works out. It is on the western slope also. It would be so fun to be neighbors:) We will know by end of week if we got the job:) Glad you had a great time and thanks for sharing the pics:)
Oh my goodness, it's the rare and elusive Mrs. Mom pictured!! I can't believe it! Now WHY is she camera shy? You girls are beautiful!!
Love that horse too. Don't let me near him ever, I might be tempted to snatch him away!
Love that dappled bum! What beautiful country, women and horses! glad you guys had a great time!
How totally fun all the way around. And no stealing of group photos by anyone. Y'all look great. It is what it is and life's too short to put much stock in looks. We all know what's on the inside!
I'm still jealous. Have been since this trip was planned and even more so now that it's over.
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