It's not finished yet. The base coat was a carmel color, brick red over the top of that and the finishing touch will be a chocolate brown wash applied with plastic to give it a 'leather' look.
On Friday evening My Honey got a phone call from a friend, apparently the rental house he and his family are living in went into foreclosure and the bank told them they have 30 days to get out. Knowing that we had bought the new place, he asked if we would rent them one of the houses for a few months until they could locate a place of their own to buy.
Yeesh...That kind of put the fire under my tail to get busy and get the new place finished up so we could get moved over there. Not to long ago, My Honey had given me the directive to get things finished up over there anyway. I guess I just work better under pressure-LOL.
Rather than go barrel racing this weekend...I painted!
The spare room is done...
The teal blue ended up being a bit darker than I would have liked in this smaller room, so I think I am going to do a pearl glaze wash over the top.
The master bath had already been finished awhile ago...
It's just waiting for the finishing accutriments to be put back up
The master bedroom was also started...
But I just do not love the colorwashes I was attempting. I tried several different techniques and just have not come up with the one I love. I left this one 'set' thinking I would come to like it, but it hasn't grown on me.
I want it to look more like the antique finish I put in the 1st bathroom...
So one more attempt at getting a finish I like on the master bedroom walls and if I can not get something cool looking, I'll just leave it the plain light khaki base color I started with. Plain is better than something I am not happy with.
Next up will be Megan's room and as much of the kitchen as I can get done before the conractor shows up to do a bit of sheetrock repair. One more trip out for the plumber and the electrician and then when everything else is done, I will have to sand the hardwood floor in the kitchen and refinish it. That should about do it for the inside. I know I'm ready to get moved over. Even though it isn't very far, I'm still tired of driving back and forth between the houses.
I salute your ambition and industry. I HATE painting, mostly because I get it everywhere. Looks great!
Freaking awesome woman!! Love that antique finish in the bath too- that'll look great in the bedroom!!
Nice! I started painting a while ago and got one room finished. I have all the paint, now I just need a kick in the bootie to continue.
Wow - that looks fantastic! Do you give lessons? Any websites you can recommend? I need to do some painting...
life will be so much easier having home and horses at one place.
that looks great! you are very creative, I hatew painting with a passion which explains my downstairs bathroom still being primer white!
That first one is fantastic! I love how that looks. I like the teal blue too :) Very very pretty. You go girl!!
Creative painting, I need to get to that myself! Love the wood!
Looking good! I like the bathroom especially.
Wow I love that bathroom. You are so creative, I usually just pick a color and go with it, no washes or antiquing or anything. Although I did one time want to paint stripes, with a solid color on the bottom and a glaze of stripes, but of course it never happened.
Wow! Looking good! Painting is so much work, but it is amazing what a new coat of paint does to a room! I just tore apart my master bedroom, and will paint when I get back from Oklahoma. I have been dragging my feet for 2 years now!
I love remodeling pics! Keep up the good work!
Thanks guys. I actually really like to paint, but did need the kick in the pants to get it finished up.
Breathe, if there is something you want to do, I can walk you through it. I just over the years by a few pamphlets from the paint department and trial and error.
Bathrooms are great projects to start and learn on because they are usually much smaller rooms and not so overwhelming. The antiqueing finish was extremely easy. I wanted to do a much more complex layering of color washes in the kitchen/dining room, but liked the 1st bathroom results so much, I'm going to just do that instead.
Crystal, I did do one of my bedrooms in broad stipes and really liked it. People do tend to avoid doing some things like that because they think they will get tired of it, I think if a person goes really dramtic, they might, but if you stick to complementary colors that you really like, not as likely to get tired of it.
OHHH I am loving the living room so far!!! That's exactly what I'm getting ready to do in my living room! 3 years ago I painted it a dark mustard color *gold coin* was the name of the color, but I've been itching to go even darker! I LOVE color! I could paint and repaint a million times just to have every color LOL!! Post more pics when you get the different rooms/finishes done!
Sorry for your friend! What a tough thing to be put in because of someone else! They could have at least forewarned them! It's no surprise when that happens! And a bit infuriating for them I'm sure since they've been paying rent!
Well hey i love the red in your living room! That rocks - I want that in my kitchen, when we have money again someday...
Love the Living Room and the washes in the bathroom and master bed room. Gorgoues!
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