It was so stinking hot and humid in SD. And the wind blewwwwwwww like crazy on Sunday, so we didn't leave for home until the evening. I really don't mind driving all night, but needless to say, I'm tired.
I guess this ugly beast is surviving the hardships of the ranch okay...
Who is that grown up horse you ask?
Hard to believe my baby boy, Shooter is a strapping 2y/o isn't it?
He's a wild one too!
I jumped on him bareback.
He could have cared less.
LOL-Didn't mean to leave you guys hanging on the last post. It may be a bit anti-climatic.
I met a 3-Day Eventer/Dressage/Jumper lady the day before I took off for SD. She is on of the coaches for the local Pony Club organization. She invited Meg and I to come watch some of the lessons and is going to hook me up with a friend of her's who is a trainer (horses and people). This cowgirl is going to start her dressage lessons...Heeheehee. I am also going to be setting up lessons with a top-notch local barrel racer. I need help and if I have learned one thing about barrel racing...when you are having problems you need to get with someone because a 'watcher' is invaluable.
Oh, did I mention Meg and I are also going to attend a roping clinic next month?
And I have to get with some people I met awhile back cause I want to start going over to their place for some working cowhorse/cutting time. They have a 'trainer' who rides at their place as well. I use the term loosely because I really think he is just kid who is desperately trying to figure out this horse training thing. But, from what I have seen, he is not mean to the horses he rides, sooo....I think he is dumb enough to get on my sorrel horse for a few rides.
Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to him or the horse. I just need someone who is a little more bouncy than I am to put a week or two on the horse. I'm going to be there for every ride and pony the horse the first few.
If all goes well, when I get the bay horse, Jet ready for his first rides, I'll have this kid do the same thing on him.
I love it when the heat of summer goes away. I catch my second wind and the horses start to feel good again. Now, ya'll know why I have to get some of these guys lined out and working properly. We have things to DO....
Well, after I take a nap that is. ;-)
Well, I guess you better get after it, missy! No, I can't believe how big and strapping Shooter is!
Yup , that big ugly Shooter horse looks like a killer! You should probably just send him on up here to hide amongst the spotted ponies and calm that renegade down!LOL He looks great ! and wonderful news about the coaching and all the good stuff comming up for you
Shooter is HUGE! I totally didn't recognize him. He's had a growth spurt.
Sounds like a lot of fun for the fall. You're going to be busy girl :)
Wow! I can't believe how big Shooter has gotten!! He is lookin' mighty fine these days!! Love him!
I know what you mean about the "trainer", I'm looking for someone to just jump on my horse for me too! lol
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