Obviously, there are many, MANY bloodlines I have no personal experience with. So when it comes to those horses or bloodlines, I am like anyone else and have to go with the statistical evidence of their success. There are bloodlines that I have had limited exposure too or hear stories about from people that I know and trust.
Cdn: I am not familiar with The Barn Burner(by Impressive). I have heard the name before, but can't say that I have ever been around any of them.
The Two Eyed Jacks...since he was just down the road a piece(in Nebraska) a lot of his get and grand-get have ended up in this country. People like them. Howard Pitzer and Bob Jordan(where Frosty Feature stood most of his life) traded horses back and forth and Bob Jordan and an uncle of my uncle traded horses back and forth over the decades. So when my uncle's uncle passed away, my aunt and uncle purchased some of his mares. One of them was a Sandy Jack Jordan mare. The mare was bred at the time and the next spring she produced a bay filly. She was my favorite of the three foals that my aunt and uncle ended up with from those original mares.
A few years went by and I ended up riding that mare for my A&U. The intention was to show her in HUS. I did show her in HUS a couple of times and she placed both times, but I really felt that this mare had the potential to be a great barrel horse. She was awesome. I never got the chance to crack her wide open because she was only 4 the year I started hauling her. But I really, really felt that if I had been able to keep going with her, she would have been exceptional.
My brother traded breeding to the King stud in return for his pick of their foals and he picked a gelding out of the same Sandy Jack Jordan mare as the bay filly I ran barrels on. Although this gelding is big and a bit coarse, he is vera, vera fast and I started him on barrels too. He is an exceptional ranch gelding and could be finished out as a head horse with no problem. This year I am going to take him back to the barrels and get some runs on him. He is without a doubt one of my favorites out of our herd. So my experiences with the Two Eyed Jacks as barrel horses is very good.
Temperament wise the mare was always a bit different. She just had "that look", you know? She was never a bronc, but didn't particularly liked to be handled on the ground. I think that came from her sire as the other two fillies were similar and maybe a few "not so great" experiences while at the trainer's. The gelding is exceptionally quiet, all the way around. He does not have a big personality, but does not try to avoid people or contact. I suppose some of their lack of "all-out" personality has to do with the other side of their mother's breeding a bit too. She was Bert bred on the topside and the Bert's are a bit different than most-quiet and a bit dull, but tremendously athletic when they need to be. These two definitely got the Bert head...big and plain-LOL.
See any similarities between these two?....

I see a lot of resemblance along the topline. Our gelding has the same prominent little bump in his back, just before the croup as TEJ. It is not noticeable in this picture, but it is the first thing to show up if he loses any weight. Also, they have the same short croup. Some things just show up generation after generation.;)
Lady Andais asked me about the Coy's Bonanza line. . sorry, that's another line I just don't have any relevant experience with. I know I probably have ridden some or been around them over the years. That is one of the downfalls of working in a training barn, sometimes you get really nice horses in and never do get around to finding out how they are bred. Of course, that was so long ago, I may have at one time known more than I know now...you know how the CRS is when you get older-LMAO.
He is a gorgeous horse though...

Yeah, I think Two Eyed Jack and your "little" gelding have just a little in common.
We used Two Eyed Jack horses for cutting and reining. Then Freckles Playboy came out and you stopped seeing a lot of Two Eyed Jack. Skipper W was a big one too for a while. But I have always said the "W" stood for "Work". Those horses were a lot of cow and a lot of work.
Anyway, love your breed posts!! They are really interesting and I love to read about them!!
Ahhh yes I love Two Eyed Jack too - you know he is in a lot of Pleasure horses bloodlines - two big name studs have been responsible for that - Zippos Old Gold and Jacks Are Lucky Too. Not only them but also in a few mares like Boston Sonora who is by Two Eyed Sonora - who is by .... yup you guessed it.
He was a true all-around stud and could sire winners in almost all events. Love that bloodline - and yes i can seen him in the bay....
What??? You didn't know all that!! I'm SHOCKED. lol You are just educating us lazier folks. I like reading, but I don't know some of the stuff to look up, and what I do look up goes in one side and out the other. I don't retain info very well for some reason. I could come back and read your post in a year and be like WOW. lol
Funny how some think the people of different breeds are world apart. Yet as I read what you've written about bloodlines, it so mirrors what I have seen with the Arabians.
IMO, GS Khochise, my stallion's sire is a great stallion. However, it is hard to tell by his get because he was not necessarily bred to quality mares except a handful of times. Only by examining the quality (or lack there of) of the mares he was bred to can you really appreciate what he has accomplished. A sad thing to happen to a great horse. Same thing as you're talking about with King.
The problem I see with this is by the time it's discovered how great the horse really is, they're gone. It's such a loss to the breed when great horses get overlooked in the larger picture because of their owner's choices.
Just found your blog, came over from the FWoTD blog...you've got a great blog going!!
We have a Two Eyed Jack/Mr. Conclusion gelding. He's a beautiful sorrel roan gelding, great conformation. He stands 16.1and probably weighs 1300 plus pounds...he's a big boy. He has the big Two Eyed Jack jaw.
Our other gelding is a Doc's Hickory/Doc Tom Tucker grandson...an adorable little bay with a blaze in his face, three white socks and a great mane and thick tail. He loves women!!! And will go to either end of a cow. Cuts and will take one down the fence. Just a great ride.
Keep your stories and information coming...a great read!!!
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