Today was Megan's County 4-H Show. I am kicking myself-I started out the morning taking pictures and got busy, set the camera down and the next thing I know-the day is done and I only have a couple of pictures. Bad Mommy! Of course I was busy braiding manes, brushing tails, washing legs, wiping noses and giving last minute instructions. I think Megan is getting to the age where she likes it when I am showing my own horse-so I leave her the hell alone-LOL. She is such a professional little thing-that she doesn't really need my help-but hey-I'm the Momma-its my job to make sure those stray hairs are tucked away and the grass is out of Strawberry's mouth, etc, etc. Right?
Anyway...Megan and her Strawberry had a very good day. These two fit together like peas and carrots(as Forest Gump would say). She showed him in both English and Western Showmanship, E&W Horsemanship and Trail. He garnered her 3 purples; E&W Showmanship and Hunt Seat Equitation and 2 blues; Trail and Western Equitation.
Showmanship is all that I got pics of...
Rip, the blue roan horse grabbed her a blue in barrels and 2 reds; Western Riding and Pole Bending. Now I am going to defend the blue horse-He had NEVER seen either a WR pattern or been around the Poles before-EVER! But he and Megan just went out there and had some fun. Her barrel run was nice. I think she can let him ease into the next gear. He is consistent and really looks at the barrels. The WR was strictly for fun. it sucked. We laughed-but Meg said she liked doing it so it looks like we will be adding that to the list. Megan had the people in the grandstand laughing because when she was long trotting Rip through the pole pattern-we kept hearing these little Woo-Hoo's out of her. Rip is a large horse. A Very Large horse! He is or very nearly 16H and weighs in about 1400lbs, and we have taken all of the excess weight off of him. He is about as trim as he is ever going to get and still look good. I would never have considered starting him on poles until today.
My mom was there and I know she really wanted to tell me that Megan should not take Rip around the poles because she is always afraid that doing a bunch of different stuff in one day is going to confuse a horse. I roll my eyes at that. Rip is a solidly broke ranch horse and he is 12y/o. We are not talking about a green or young horse that might get rattled by too much in one day. So mom and I are sitting in the grandstands and mom's mouth is a little tight. I know she wants to say something about this but she is doing a good job of not opening her mouth. Megan comes into the arena at a long trot, heads down the pole pattern, sits down, lifts the rein and Rip whips around that end pole like he knows what he is doing. Mom and I look at each other like WHOA-that was cool. Megan and Rip proceed to weave through the poles like they had actually practiced this before, whip around the other end pole and back through. Megan was laughing so hard she almost forgot to finish her final turn and they long trotted out. I see the pole bending pattern coming into play in Rip's future!
Now the fun is over for awhile-its back to riding those other horses that have been getting neglected. Got to get more ready to take to some play days and horse shows-hehehe.
OH congrats Megan!! That sounds like a wonderful day!! And yeah to the chubby blue roan for doing poles!! LOL!! I think he is beautiful!! I love blue roans (I remember him from a past post). I am glad you had such a great horse show! WR is fun!!
Happy day! Sounds like a great one. Always nice to come home from a show smiling (and that handful of ribbons is a lovely bonus!) -- Congrats!
WOO HOO, way to go Meagan! Now momma we needed more pics! I do that all the time, forget to take pics!
Great job on the poles! I am making me a set of poles now. Can't afford to buy a set! LOL! I have taken 6 5 gallon buckets fill with concerte and insert pole! I have 2 done so far-I am so excited as little cowgirl is to start using them! Our original set of poles have found there way to church! I have a all women's sorting I am going to on Saturday at another cowboy church in the area!! Busy competting over the next few weeks as well! Good luck and as always keep the pics coming!!
Kris-I got my pole bases as a Christmas present from my mom and step-dad. I used to have a set like the ones you are making but they are kaput if a pole gets broke. Every year mom asks me what I want for my B-day and Christmas. It is pretty much my time to pick out something that I need but maybe can't afford on my own. God bless my mother's practical side-LOL.
Andrea-We actually have 2 blue roans. Blue is the horse you liked so much. Rip is the one that Megan has been working with. I'm sorry-I didn't mean to cause confusion between the two. The only reason I even mention it is because I don't want anyone to think that we managed to take all of Blue's excess weight off in this short of time period. We are firm believers in slowly reducing excess weight over time. In Blue's case that is going to be quite some time-LOL.
Don't worry though-you will be seeing more of the chubby "Blue" boy soon. Now that the 4-H show is over and I found some events to go to-there are several more horses that are going to get some wet saddle blankets. I'm a goals oriented person and it is hard to just ride unless I have things to get prepared for. Unless it is colts of course-they just need rode to get rode. Not that I have gotten to them yet this year-man is this year going fast-WOW.
Go Megan! Go BECG! Go WIDE horses all over there in SD! ehhehehehe
Lucky that you have someone to go and play at play days and shows with. Sometimes I miss that... Sometimes I dont too
Cant wait to hear how you guys do the rest of the season.
Its a great stop in here, when you post, to get a darn good reminder of what is RIGHT and FUn with our equine world here! THanks for sharing the FUN of things!!
PS- you got mail too! ;) Let me know your thoughts on that please when you have a second!
Aw...that was cute, I bet Megan was so proud of Rip and Strawberry! I laughed when I read that Megan was woo-hooing through the course on Rip!
That totally reminded me of my younger days....4-H and fair. I just loved it, even though I actually only took a horse to fair once.
My sister rode her western pleasure Appy at 4-H fair in all of gaming events and it did make her get jiggy and excited whenever she came into the arena, lol! She always regretted that. But she was really into the gaming thing for a while, too. I think when you are younger, you love the competition and the need for speed. Oh heck, when you're older, too! ;)
I am so jealous of you winning the pic from Train Wreck - I am horrible at naming pics and couldn't even come up with one that competed with those that were already entered. :) hang it somewhere good!
Congrats to Megan on all her awards! Congrats on winning train wreck's name the photo contest!
I can remember the need for speed myself. These days I am most happy with a nice walk. My daughter however whoo hoos a lot on her gelding. It is fun to watch.
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