This is my driveway...
Actually, I sort of dread it when it does stop raining and the sun starts shining. It is going to be nonstop mowing. Crap!! Right now the grass really isn't growing, but the damn weeds haven't stopped. I will be back to weed wacking in the pasture again too. Double Crap!!
Yesterday, I took the camera to mom's to take before and after pictures of the horse's feet. Ummm....some of them got just a little long. I forgot to put the rechargable batteries in the camera. So you will have to visualize the beauty of taking a size 2 back to a normal size 0. All of this moisture sure makes trimming easy. I seriously need to build some sort of tie rack that I can run water in and let the horses stand in mud for a couple of days before I trim for those dry, dry months. Trying to trim feet in August/September around here is like trying to chip cement off the sidewalk-ugghh.
My dear brother has been driving back and forth between the ranch and town this week. I don't envy him. There is no gravel on the last five miles of road and the old saying about our ranch is "when we get moisture, you are either in or out". My 3/4 ton would never make it-even in 4-wheel. It is simply too heavy. His 1/2 ton beater, rez-truck makes the trip as long as you never back off the gas. If you hit the brakes-you are finished-LOL. I have rode with him a couple of times in these situations and I cannot say that I considered it even remotely "fun". I am pretty sure my fingernails are still embedded in the dash.
Today he gave up and his wife had to walk in the last mile. She will stay there until we can come rescue her. Someone needs to be there to take care of horses in the corral.
I am thinking that a couple of dry days and it will be perfect to finish pounding fence posts. Oh fun. There are a lot of other things that I would rather do than build fence.
Red Dog is scared of the thunder and always squeezes between me and the wall when I am on the computer...
Sadly, the little chick did not make it. One minute he was fine, the next he was gone. Poor little guy.
We just got soaked with rain today and more this weekend to come. I was out in the thunderstorm this morning with a shovel, creating a downward drain for part of the paddock as it was totally flooding! It worked!
Hey it looks like Louisiana there!! When it rains here it does it for days! We are always flooded! We are supposed to get some moisture this weekend. I hope not, we have a rodeo.
So sad about your little chick! I was so hoping it would have made it.
Wow that is some serious mud. Little chickie had a comfortable time for the last hours thanks to you and Meghan.
Yay-today we got sunshine!! Booo-today Mikey took her blog offline for awhile.
Thanks FUGLY jerks-a person tries to help and gets slammed because things don't go as planned.
Mikey if you read this-put your blog back on and give these idiots a good what-for. You did the best you could and none of those people mean a damn thing. We all know what a super person you are and will miss your daily dose of insanity too much to tolerate you being MIA for very long...okay, we will give you a couple of days to decompress...we fully expect to see you back online on Monday.
I'm not kidding...don't make me come to AZ to line you out-LOL-as if I could. You are one of the few women who I think could take me-LMAO. But if I have to I will coerce Mrs Mom into coming with me and then you will be in sooooo much trouble.
We have the exact opposite here! We have had Wind for the last several weeks! It DRIES everything out!! And not too mention what it does to my hair! Scary! My poor little hummingbirds try to get a drink they can't because the feeders are moving too much! It has been blowing even at night!Keeps the flies off I guess! LOL!
Yikes! you mustv'e been talkin about the "H.S.H"! I loved that page?? I will keep checkin, I live in Az! I could "help with the linein out"!! Miss you already!!
Hey, there, just read your info about what happened to Mikey over at horse feathers. Sorry I don't have your email, You don't have to post this. Just wanted to lend my support to Mikey. I think this is aweful and I knew that those jackasses over there at Fugly foiled this rescue with there big mouths. What a shame. Stupid, stupid people. Please tell Mikey that she has a lot of support out there from US. The people, who like her, have a life. So so sorry that this happened and they are all there, scratching their empty heads trying to figure out what happened. OMG! Stupid stupid people!
Can we have your rain?
(Cute dog. Ours has to hide from Thunder, too.)
Please do-we are going to get 3 dry days and then rain again all next week.
This last week we ended up with over 4 inches. One of our stock dams is overflowing. We are praying it doesn't wash it out. The creek behind our ranch house is bank to bank. For that matter every creek around here is bank to bank. Haven't seen water run like this since 97' and before that 86'.
Simply waiting for the dew to dry off this morning before I start trying to cram a couple of weeks worth of work into a couple of days.
Dammmit- just typed a comment and my system ate it..HATE when that happens...
ANYWAYS- the gist of it since I am beyond tired here:
Sorry bout the baby chick...
Woffer Says She Needs An Ark
My Lawn Is Brown and Crunchy, Can We Please Have Your Rain?
Let Me Know When We Is Headed To Mikey's Place ;)
And... umm... oh hell brain fry now... dddduuuuhhhh...
OH! I know-
Red Dog and My Dog Have TOO Much In Common!! Jo hates storms too. If we EVER get any freaking rain, we will see how she does with storms...
Yeah, I think thats it... lol
Kisses to Woofer.. and get busy building that Ark... hehehe
errr duh-- if we EVER get any freaking rain, we will see how Jane Doe Puppy does with storms... we already KNOW that Jo The Wonder Nanny Dog has fits over it...
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