I got Big Momma's foaling stall finished. There will be no geldings sticking their heads over this wall!!
The old girl is moving closer to foaling now. Her bag is really filling up and her girlie parts are "relaxing".
We are supposed to be getting a shot of rain tonight or tomorrow and I figured this is the perfect time to get to that little yard project. This triangle of dirt has been just that, DIRT, every since I can remember. I am going to put stepping stones in here, because EVERYONE cuts the corner to the back door. After much deliberation and indecision, I decided to go with the round ones-but wouldn't you know it-I couldn't find any round stepping stones when I went to Pierre the other day. Ugh-I hate it when I finally decide what I want to do and then can't find the right stuff.
So the stepping stones are going to have to wait until I can get to Rapid City. But I did add several loads of good dirt and planted the grass seed. Walking on it until I get the stones in comes with a penalty of DEATH!!
The next two pictures are of the rock and weeds I need to remove from around the house. I did get the pea gravel that I decided to put here instead...so I just need to get to digging.
I gotta find a paint color I like for the house. It severely needs to be painted, but I am not fond of White. So far nothing I have shown Mom has met with her approval...
Megan and I went a little crazy in the flower department at Wal-Mart, but they had a really good selection and at that wonderful Wal-Mart price, who am I to say stop?
Originally, I had found this beautiful golden tan bark to put around the house, but it isn't gonna work-the wind just blows it everywhere. So I had to go to the pea gravel idea.
I ran out of planters before I ran out of flowers to plant...
One thing about it, I won't run out of good dirt. See...horses are good for something. Under that top layer of fresh manure is the most gorgeous composted dirt.
See my supervisor? He makes sure that I don't slack on the job...
Next is getting busy on my "garden". I am going to pot everything because I cannot figure out where I want to put the garden yet. With the price of produce, if you can find any good stuff up in this damn country, it looks like I will be trying my hand at canning and freezing this year.
You are one busy woman! Love your supervisor :)
That's going to be a NICE garden...
You go girl! I have one of those superviors as well!! Looking good!
OK, that old girl there had BEST appreciate all the effort you put into her foaling area. Cant wait to see the baby.
hehe-- your Supervisor has the same expression on his face that our supervisor gets... Smart Alecs! LOL
You got any links or info to share on canning? We plan on stocking our freeze, but thought we would also try our hand at learning to can.... hehe... ought to be interesting!
Mrs Mom-you know that anything that CAN happen to a foal WILL happen to a foal-LOL. Those little buggers can be so self-destructive. But yea-I think Woofer likes what we have done. She seems to be very comfortable and relaxed coming and going from her "nest". And as luck would have it-the two geldings are the type that would LOVE to get ahold of that baby-and not in a good way...
And on the canning---well, I have my grandmother's books and my mom's experience. Lucky me. I can tell you that now is the time to start buying canning jars at rummage sales and second hand stores. Those suckers are expensive come fall and it really helps if you can get what someone else does not want for a couple of bucks. Then this fall buying new lids isn't so bad.
gotta love horses... ez to get sidetracked between horsekeeping (innkeeping here) and diggin' the garden
great job on the "new home"
gp in montana ('nother brown eyed cowgirl.. sorta )
Welcome fvclassic - actually this an old home. I grew up in this house and I just moved back into it last fall. My mom has owned it for 38 years-I'll be 39 this fall.
The last time I lived in it was 15 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter. Fifteen years of renters has not been kind to this place in a lot of aspects-but in others-my mom has made some serious upgrades. New electric, leveled the floors and new windows were the biggest. It is much nicer now than when I was growing up-LOL.
I just get the fun of "beautifying it"...
Your supervisor seems to be really good at his job....Extra kibble for him tonight!
Oh Big Mama will love her foaling stall....Cause it's the only one she's got!
I have that SAME brown dirt spot on my lawn! You know not 5 inches from the flagstone walkway!! Everyone cuts across and tramps down the grass! I'm thinkin of putin a bear trap there!! LOL!! I will be posting a photo of "my supervisor" soon!! I also need"supervision" when I go anywhere with flowers too! Yikes! I go crazy! I can't help it I love to be outside,Love growing stuff! Plus the horses are outside!Keep up the great work! Everything looks great!
Can you bottle some of your energy and send it my way please?
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