Thursday, June 2, 2011

When You Just Can't Take The BS Anymore!

You know...I am pretty much a live and let live kind of person. I believe strongly in karma.

Well, Cathy Atkinson of FuglyHorse (aka-FuglyHorseOfTheDay) has finally stepped in it and hopefully enough people read this and spread the truth that even more people realize what a lying piece of crap this 'self-proclaimed expert' and 'faux rescuer' is and start to tune her out.

The fact of the matter is, Cathy Atkinson has dumped one of her PERSONAL horses off at Second Chance Ranch rescue and is having her good friend, Katie pawn the horse off as if it was a rescued horse.

The link to Second Chance Ranch's photo and comments...Second Chance Ranch

The horse in question is Frankie, a coming 4 y/o palomino gelding that Cathy refers to as her Big Gold Yearling. (Except SCR has him listed as a 3y/o)

Here's a link to the breeder's page, referencing that Cathy was taking the orphaned foal that the breeder had managed to save and raise...Yellow Horses Inc. According to the breeder, Cathy promised to pay for the foal and never did. What she did do was take the foal to another friend of her's property, who just happened to be an animal control officer and the foal was proclaimed a 'rescue'. That was 3 years ago.

Funny how none of that came out until fugs decided that after she had managed to injure this young horse TWICE and he is not particularly sound. So she gave him to Second Chance Ranch to put some training on and rehome?

'My Big Gold Yearling, now a 2 year old (I must stop with these age-related names), was almost sold and then tore up a muck bucket with his forelegs and re-injured his radial nerve. So he is going out to sit and eat for the winter and we’ll re-evaluate in the spring. He is over 16 hands already and looking to outgrow the VLC. Just hoping he comes sound so he can do something with his life!'-Published August 31, 2009

Wow...coming from a woman who has spent the last few years on the internet ripping people to shreds for doing the same kind of thing...Taking an orphaned foal that someone else raised to weaning age, not paying for it, repeatedly injuring it and then dumping the still-not-trained youngster off at your friend's rescue...


You go fugs...Your really showing the horse world how it's supposed to be done!


Anonymous said...

You really don't want to hear my potty mouth as I read through all this and the links and thought of the things she and I discussed when she wanted me to buy Frankie nearly 3 years ago. Oh my!

Perhaps Horse Illustrated would like to know?

Justsayingfubb said...

Oh sure we do OS! This self proclaimed queen of rescue done right needs her tiara knocked off once and for all. Please enlighten us with the story of her crooked ways. As for HI her column is missing from the latest issue. Im hoping they saw the light of her scamming youtube for her information and using it as her own.

Mrs. Mom said...

And that is news I can go to sleep on.

Rest well y'all...

Shirley said...

A good example of why I have always stayed away from that particular blogger, have never linked to her or visited her blog.And am not about to start. There are so many good bloggers out there that I prefer to spend my valuable time with. Present company included.

Denisarita said...

Nice fact finding...

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Sad for the colt , and for the rest , well, I fell off that blog a long while back , hypocrasy,and bullying ,is all she is about . Sad for the horses ,poor colt doesn't look like a bad fellow ,but 3 -4yrs old 16 hh 2X injuries to his radial nerve ,and no training from what I understand ,there is an easy sell...NOT

Paint Girl said...

I never pay attention to that blog. I think I went over there one time to see what it was about and did not like what I saw.
Some people just don't get it. Doesn't surprise me one bit that she did that. I feel bad for the poor horse.

Mikey said...

Can't say I'm surprised. She's a hypocrite. Way to catch that though, I would have never put it all together.

kestrel said...

Do tell OS! I'm in a grumpy mood and how better to fix it than to play whackabully with a BS paddle!

I just feel so sorry for some of the unsuspecting people that she has attacked...and kids should be totally off limits.

cdncowgirl said...

Love that you were able to put together the pieces to this... now I just wish OS would tell her story ;)

Let me see if I have this right, once a horse has been rescued he will always be able to be passed from owner to owner as a rescue... hmm. Sorry don't see it, even IF he was a rescue as a yearling he is now a 4 yr old so unless Fugs herself also treated him poorly then he is no longer a rescue.
I object to him being called a rescue anyhow. His dam died, he was put on a nurse mare and supplement fed by the breeders then given (sold w/o payment) to Fugs. So what the hell did she rescue him from??

I'll confess I used to read fugly but I soon quit. It seemed to be more concerned in stirring up hatred and bullying rather than actually educating people and trying to better things. Also the followers seem to be a bunch of hypocrites. How many of them do you think know a horse from a hole in the ground, or better yet how many of them do you think could be featured on the blog themselves? (poor riding, poor breeding, poor horsekeeping, too many animals etc etc)

"Rescue" is a term being tossed around far too loosely anyhow in my opinion

wv - lariat lmao if that doesn't fit a horse blog what does!?

Anonymous said...

This has been around for a long time and too many people know the real story. Thought you all might get a kick out of this and be sure and read the comments. And Katie has deleted the posts pointing out the fact the horse was Cathy's personal horse.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

I can't take credit for finding out the info. Justsayingfubb and others posted the info and links over on fhotdreview. The info was getting lost in the comments though.

Of course Katie deleted the comments. She's as bad as Cathy. Two peas in a pod.

Anon-Karen Vermillion deleted that post off her blog as well. I suppose she went in and cleaned up her blog after the shitstorm where she was begging for donations for one of fugs' latest 'rescues'.

Looks like the troops have rallied to cover this up.

As for Horse Illustrated...Cathy's article was not in this month's issue. Either she missed her deadline again or they dropped her like the no-account she is.

Fantastyk Voyager said...

I visited there a few times but quickly tired of her "pedestal" lectures. I really think "rescue" is overused. I used to buy horses, train them up and sell them. Sometimes they were way underweight when I took them on. I never thought of it as rescueing them though.

Justsayingfubb said...

And now Frankie has left the mudhole SCR in Elma according to Katie "Second Chance Ranch (Elma, WA) it's funny how they choose thier people! Frankie just went off to live with a friend of mine who does wonderful training with young horses. He will have lots of fun this summer ;-)"

How convenient that Katie's skills at animal communicating kicked in just in time to find him his person *snort*

Anonymous said...

Proof that they do read what we post! And they can't stand the truth!

Anonymous said...

We do have it screen captured as we were quite certain this would happen! Not sure about the copy right laws or reposting the contents over here.

Danielle Michelle said...

Nice. what a joke she is. Not impressed at all...

LOVE the 'starting' pics of you guys! Want to work my new one? lol! I think I need to step backwards and maybe work him bareback first and go back to the saddle. I need a step stool!

Love the garden!!!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Anon-considering SCR's FB page is public, as is Karen V's blog...copyright is a non-issue. Fugly has made that point several times.

Anonymous said...

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the farm where she "rescued" Frankie from the same beautiful multimillion dollar facility she took Champagne Til Dawn? Oh, why, yes it is. See fugs entry 06 Feb 2009-Champange Til Dawn (1997-2009). So, poor Frankie needed to be rescued, but the facility was fine for Champ?

I don't know anyone involved, but this seems suspicious and now a horse is rescued in California, but funds are being raised through a rescue in Washington? No rescues willing to help that old guy in California? Did they ship that poor animal to Washington? Where is he being housed? Who is paying his board/vet/feed/farrier bills? Looks like several red flags to me.

Justsayingfubb said...

Another mention of Frankie that doesnt include the rescue word...

Buffy (Miss Dusty Devil)
« Thread Started on Dec 9, 2009, 9:31pm »
My old, crabby but endlessly entertaining mare, Buffy, had to be put to sleep today. She enjoyed a really great last few months of bossing my trainer's ponies around. Buffy had been the Boss Mare in a herd all her life and was very upset when she got creaky and old and couldn't kick everybody's butt anymore, so we put her in with the ponies and let her be queen of the Munchkins and think she was a big deal again. :)

Buffy had points in nine events in ABRA (Buckskin) and had a half-dozen registered foals. After that, she raised Frankie, my 2 year old, who was orphaned at four days. She taught him manners so that I did not have a spoiled colt to deal with. I had her for the last year and a half of her life and am glad I was able to give her the nice retirement she deserved.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Gotta keep those high profile rescues going to fug's buddies you know Anon. (grrr) Remember Hercules? Wonder what ever happened to him?

JSF-Buffy came from YHI too. Frankie had been with the mare all along after he became an orphan at his breeders.

Michelle said...

Whew! This whole thing is making my head spin. All I know is that I stay away from that blog. It's far too negative for my liking. But I am most impressed with how you guys put everything together. I never even realized that blog author wrote for HI. Hm.

Anonymous said...

Anon- about the facility. A little input here...

Cathy put Champ at the facility since she could somehow screw some free board out of the deal. And by the word screw- I mean it literally since she was sleeping with the man that YHI was involved with. Cathy was personally kicked out of the barn, but the horse was allowed to stay. Does everyone remember that part of it?

She then refused to account for where any and all money raised to support Champ went. This was a HUGE turning point for a lot of her followers. Can't get any more obvious than that about where her intentions lay, could she?

Anon <3

Anonymous said...

That and the crotch shot!

Anonymous said...

WOW I still find it hard to believe she did that to Frankie.

I know I'm late in finding this out
but I thought she always loved Frankie???

She used to post about him on a shwung proboards site along with winterlakes rescue.The pictures of
Frankie are no longer up.
Now I know why..
Thanks for posting this..

Anonymous said...