My landscaping mode kicked in, so today I tore into redoing the 'flower' part of the island. I forgot to take a 'before' picture of the corner I worked on, but it pretty much looked like this...

Just bare dirt with a bunch of plants I haphazardly planted last year.
My first attempt...

It just didn't feel right. My plan was to continue the mulch across the whole space and rearrange my shade loving plants on the other side. But it ended up feeling like a lot of bare area with red mulch dumped on it.
I scrounged around the garden and pulled more of my 'salvage' plants from last year to fill in the space a little more...

That's better. BTW...All of the plants are 'salvage' plants from either this year or last year. I have saved boo-ku bucks buying all of my stuff of the 50% off rack at Lowes.
Now, I just need to finish the other half. It'll be off to the garden department tomorrow for more supplies. (Yayyyy...:)
After that, the horse pens got tore down and moved...

Now MH can come in with the bobcat and scrape. He's happy that the pens are farther from the house. The flies are a coming.
I ran over and picked up the big bay gelding from the trainer...

Due to the EHV-1 scare, several of Levi's clients opted to wait a couple of weeks before bringing horses to him. A financial hit for the kid. So, he took a 30-day ranch job with a friend of his that got bucked off a colt and broke his shoulder. Levi is going to help him finish calving, branding and moving pairs to the mountains. I wished Jet had been far enough along for Levi to take with him...but a little time off might do the horse some good. Levi says he is going better, but is not ready to hit open country yet.
While I was down taking a pick of the bay, I see Tippy checking something out in this post...

Ah-hah...and a very pissed off little momma bird...

Figured I better check it out and make sure the cats couldn't get to the babies...

There was only one and it was too far down in the post for the cat to get to (or to take a picture of).
Monkey see...Monkey do...

Except shortstuff couldn't quite see down into the post...

Gee...and we even managed to get 4 horses worked today too. Yay!
That's what our long weekend is consisting of. Hope everyone else is enjoying their long weekend and getting to do something they enjoy as well.
The garden spot looks wonderful. Sounds like you are super busy now!
I love your garden spot. I can't wait to see how pretty it is when those plants all grow!
Love it! Come landscape my place too! That looks so nice!!
You and Megan crack me up. Y'all are a bunch of monkeys!
Nice work in the garden, I haven't been able to bring myself to kill... Er, plant anything this year.
Glad the baby birds are safe from the mighty hunter!
That looks good, i sure like your second attempt way better too, and even better saving money by using salvage plants.
LOL, great work, thanks for the big pic o' the big bay. Niiiice butt.
I will mention, this is just my own experience, when the garden looks like there is NOT enough plants in it, and you add more, in about two years you will think "WHY did I put so many plants in there??"
Have a wonderful long weekend!
It looks like everything you've touched on that property as turned to gold. I'm impressed with your energy and patience. I simply look at my weeds or a room that needs painting, and instantly feel overwhelmed.
Love the end result of your flower bed!! I really need to get some new plants/flowers and re-do a couple of mine. I just keep procrastinating!
Love your work, it's beautiful.
And you and Meg crack me the hell up. Glad that the baby will be safe from the cats.
Wanna come help me do some landscaping??? My yard has gone a bit wild with all of our rain lately...
That is a nice butt on that bay horse - too bad Levi had to take a job helping a friend, but nice that he has some options...
Looks sooooooooooo good!! you are so talented at everything! Miss ya, I need to come out and see it all sometime.
My gardens are full of weeds to the point of being overwhelming. I guess if I ever get my pastures fixed, I might get to them. I don't know how you do it all and work horses.
Really like the way your landscaping turned out - nice choice with the lavender! Those picture of the cat and kid are priceless - love them!
Ohh, this sounds like such a wonderful weekend! I was also bumming around in the yard, at the barn....just catching up on chores and prettifying things. Glad you had a good one!
love love the landscape.. check out my new pond on FB :) not done w/ it yet!
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