The cleaning continues around here...but at least I am to the point where work on a specific area...the result is a clean spot. Like this one...
All that is left to do is get rid of that gray thing on the right and the remaining lone barrel of used oil.
This is what it looked like when we bought the place last year...
The snow has about 1/2 of the junk that was there covered. It was awful. All of the barrels and garbage were removed last summer, but I never did get it completely done.
This is all of the remaining junk that I pulled out of there...
Last summer I started piling all of the scrap iron along that fenceline and I finally got it all loaded and hauled out of here. I might add...Scrap Iron prices are UP! Bonus $$...Yeaaa!!
Next on the agenda is this pile...
It's the remnants of the wood pile the previous owners had for the fireplace. I had just kept moving all of the wood pieces to this area and I did have them sort of piled in individual piles. Unfortunately My Honey did not know that and he 'helped' one day by scraping everything into one big pile to burn.
Ugghhh...and I simply MUST get that poor shed reshingled. The wind over the last 2 springs has just destroyed it. No sense trying to 'fix' it by sliding in new shingles. It all just needs to be replaced. I want a different color anyway. Isn't that a good enough reason to reshingle something? ;-)
Sadly, now I must work at sorting out this pile again, because there is some wood that can be cut into firewood and there is also some railroad ties in there that I wanted to use for landscaping.
Oh well, MH didn't know and if I get my chainsaw fired up, it won't take me long to render this pile the way I want it.
Thankfully, MH did get the weed sprayer hooked up for me and filled it with chemical. He started spraying, I just need to keep after it so the weeds don't take over this place again this year.
See...I don't dwell on bad things...I just find tasks that involve physical labor so I don't have time to think about stuff I don't want to think about.
Busy hands help to ease a worried mind ( or something like that) Looks great !
That's a big ol' pile you've moved. I like it all cleaned up :) Least you're getting things done!
Work is the best cure. Isn't it amazing what you can do if you just put your head down and take it one tiny step at a time, over and over again? :)
No matter what's going on in my life, I always feel better and can deal better after a good bout of physical labor.
thats the best reason to do hard work, to quit thinking things you dont want to think.
But that is one big junk pile you got rid of. Looks so much nicer when its clean.
When things turn to crap here, I tend to get in cleaning mode. Must be triggered by some kind of hormone. LOL
It is looking great. I have a few piles around here you can tackle when you run out. It must be a hormone thing for women, because most I know hit the cleaning list when things get dicey. It ALWAYS makes you feel better!
ACC was just saying she needed to lose some weight - why don't you offer her your very own "weight loss" special and have her come help you cut stuff up and haul it away. I was burning calories just looking at the pile :)
Can I just say you're right - your horses are the reason you've got the amazing shape you do.
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