I decided to pop over to a little local playday today. It was a blustery morning and an impending storm made them call the last 2 events, but me and the boys had some fun.
I got a barrel run in on Moon...

I kept him a little wide around the barrels and did not push. Right now, I am really focusing on keeping him running smooth and easy and concentrating on looking where I need to look. He floated out of 1st just a hair, but as soon as I looked up, he straightened out. 2nd was good again. Left the barrel standing at 3rd. After watching the video ACC put up, I could see that Moon jot a little hung on the backside of 3rd. We worked on that this week. He got a little stuck back there again today, but I was able to push him far enough into the turn that he came out clean.
I guess you could say that my real goal is to keep Moon about a half to one second off of the top times. We seem to run comfortably at that speed. Moon did place 2nd at this playday (an 18.7), but I would say that the large pattern we ran is probably a high 17/low 18 run. Anything under a 17.8 is probably smoking. So I am comfortable with the time we had. If Moon can be a consistent 2D horse this year...PERFECT!
Spooks got his first real outing...

He loped a 25 second pattern. Now I know why Megan giggled like a loon through her barrel runs on Rip (the big blue roan). Rip and Spooks are 3/4ths brothers and O.M.G!!! they run identical to each other. Spooks went straight to his first barrel (which happens to be the left one first because he has a hard time with his left lead) and then snorted his way around it. Same with 2nd and 3rd. JUST like Rip did with Megan all that time. These horses really want to work the barrel, not run around it. It's freaking hilarious!
But he was a good boy. He got 3rd in the Flag Race (never practices that before) and 2nd in the Keyhole (Nope, never did that before either) and then they called the event. We was home by noon.
Spooks ended up being the Reserve High Point Adult horse of the day. LOL...Not bad for the first time he has ever done anything like that.
Meg was going to go with me, but she did not sleep well the night before and since it's her Jr. Prom...I told her to stay home and get rested up (we had no idea how long the playday would run). There are going to be a ton of playdays we can go to...only ONE prom...

The little orange, grecian goddess...

This is pre-hair and makeup-LOL.
All is right in my world again!
Sounds like an awesome day. :) Megan's adorable!
YAY for my spooks:) I love that horse:) Sounds like a good productive day. And megan looks awesome in that dress!!!!
PRE-Hair and make-up??
Megan = beautiful daughter, BEC! You must be so proud!
I can't get over the size of Moon's butt, nice...
Thanks for posting!
Yay for Spooks! Your daughter is looking gorgeous, even pre hair and make up, and that dress is beautiful.
Megan has grown up so much! I can't get over it! She looks so beautiful!
Congrats on your wins, very cool! Moon looks great, Spooks too :)
Gorgeous dress. I don't think Megan needs too much in the way of makeup or fancy hair.
Sounds like a fun day. I'm hoping to be able to do some play days this summer too
2D horse? Does that mean you're planning to jackpot instead of rodeo this year?
Definitely sounds like a productive day even if the meet did get cut short. On track with Moon and Spooks showed he's a rising star. You can't ask for better than that.
Meg looks to be pretty excited about Prom.
Ooohh-Glad you guys liked the dress. Meg let me go dress shopping with her this time and this was my pick. ;-)
Cdn-I am planning on some rodeos this year, but they don't start til June. Hopefully Moon will have gotten more solid by then. Hopefully I am more solid by then-LOL.
Okay I went all the way back and caught up.
Good Lord they grow up quick, kids and horses. Megan looks beautiful.
Sorry to read about B and I been thinking, when you get the chance give me a call, get the number from Linda because I think it might be one you have and it might not.
Round here we flat track of the four wheeler it is quicker than saddling up a pony horse.
Breathe in and breathe out, and dont forget to fit in a sandwich or salad when you are working like a damned fool.
Sounds like a great day. Both horses andf you did what you wanted . And WOW!!!! Meg is stunning in that dress before hair and makeup!!I imagine she was a showstopper with!
sounds like a great playday! Way to go to Moon & Spooks! And Meg looks GREAT! Oh Jr Prom was so fun.... good memories!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! And Megan is just gorgeous!
Been trying to leave you a comment, but for crying out loud this internet sucks here lately! Today it works!
SOOOOOOO- On Beretta! I hope it all works out. I think you are doing the right thing watching her. Worse problems have corrected over time. My one mare was like that - big body, little tiny matchsticks for legs and hooves. She clicks when she walks and she's never been worked hard. Makes a good broodmare, and trail horse but that's it. And she likes to buck so it was easy to make a decision about her!
The bay looks great! Sounds like your trainer knows his stuff. He also sounds a lot like that colt I brought home. Needs to remember it's not so 'new' each time, but then settle is great. Not sure if he's a runner yet, but I'm actually hoping so - in a controlled manner eventually of course!
LOVE, LOVE Meg's dress! The color is fabulous! Hope she had a great time!!!
When you do that well at the playday without really pushing it, imagine how well it will go when you open them up and ask for more. It's going to be Awesome!
Yes there is only one prom. Meg is beautiful and I hope she has a great time!
I'm so far behind!!!
Just getting caught up on your posts and wanted to tell you that Meg looks fabulous! I hope she had a good time :)
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