Well I think so, even if the horses are not as impressed.
Spooks says...
Really? Ya know, I was pretty good with that whole pasture ornament thing I had going on all those years...
Right across the street from me is an open 20 acre field...

Supposedly, this is going to be one of the parking lots for Bobby's Birthday Bash. If that comes to be. The Bash itself would be on the other side of that white house in the back. Since they haven't gotten a darned thing done with that yet...I really don't see how they are going to make it happen...so I quit worrying about it (shrugs). Once I realized that Country Jam's attorney was just using those of us that live next to where this is supposedly going to happen...I decided I was not going to be part of those two's personal problems with each other (Bobby Willis and Country Jam). Country Jam's attorney is a complete jackass and I want no part of the trouble he is trying to cause.
I have a pretty good 'track' going around the perimeter...

(That's the corner of my pasture on the top, right side of the picture and my old cowboy neighbor's corrals straight ahead. I love that neighbor. He is da bomb!)
It's not as deep in the track now as when I started riding here. But...If I need to really make one of the boys work, all I have to do is step off the beaten path and it's deep and soft.
That is a nice big field to condition those boys in! Hopefully the country jam business just goes away...
I love how your dogs are following you. The dogs I had as a kid used to do that... :-)
Horse looks good! I love that you have made your own exercise track. Wish I had one too! Might make for a more settled horse!
What's it usually planted in? Poor Spooks, life is so unfair! :(
Ooh! I love it! I have a hay field across the street, but we're not allowed to ride in it as it's for sale. :(
Funder-There hasn't been anything planted in these fields since My Honey moved here, 5 years ago. This field is part of 82 acres that is owned by people from California. They have had the acreage for sale as a subdivision. (snort)...Guess their 'investment' hasn't worked out quite like they thought it would.
We thought about trying to buy this 82 acres...but the seller's won't come off of their $1.2M. We would have no intention of ever subdividing it, so that is waayyyyy too steep for us. It would never pay for itself at that price if we farmed it.
Corn, spring wheat, soybeans and hay are the big crops in this area.
Looks great! can I come visit and ride till the S*** is gone from here?
HA - when I read that I was thinking your put on air conditioner on your trailer... :-)
What a great place to ride! I wish we had more open land like that around here.
That whole subdivision thing happens with property around me too. There'll be a great piece of property for sale, but they want way too much money for it, hoping someone will come in and buy it for houses. It's just unreal to try and buy land around here.
Spooks is so cute!
Cool! Memphis grew almost nothing but soy and cotton. Had a good soybean field to ride in there. :) And poor Nevada does good to manage to grow alfalfa.
Nice! I'm wondering if I should ride around the edges of my hayfield (approx 20-30 acres) or if that will cause problems when its time to bale.
Right now there isn't much in the way around here of good footing for conditioning outdoors, and its finally feeling like spring so I have a hard time riding indoors.
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