I thought you all would like to see Beretta's X-ray...
(double click on it to enlarge)

As much as I hate to say it...I don't think I am going to pursue options any farther.
It was suggested to me by my farrier that if I really wanted to know the condition of the tendons, I should take her to LIttleton Large on the other side of the mountains and have her ultrasounded. However, there appears to be no actual damage to the tendons-no swelling, thickening or bumps or obvious damage. So, the only possible damage may have been is where it attaches in the hoof.
Does that really matter at this point?
Beretta is currently sound and plumb happy to be back on turn-out. She isn't going to be started under saddle until this fall, although I will probably start doing some groundwork, saddling and driving throughout the summer. I would think that any possible damage done to the tendon would have healed by now. The vet agreed with me and thought it would probably be a waste of money and effort at this time to worry about ultrasounds, etc. He said to simply treat her as a normal horse, keep her feet trimmed regularly and keep her weight in check. Regular exercise (turn-out) is good, but she also needs to be able to get rest. Her current living arrangement is ideal.
So that's that!
Once again, I have lost my intended use for a prized filly.
Raising babies SUCKS!
No. Not really. I don't think I could ever give up raising my kiddos. It's just that when you raise each one to be special...
Lisa asked if I thought Beretta might be able to be a show horse. I guess we'll find out next year. I like showing my youngsters anyway. Anything else to decide is a few years down the road. Not gonna rush into worrying about that.
As if that wasn't a big enough blow this last week, today, I got the sorrel horse, Bugs up and was giving him a thorough grooming and working on his feet. And then I got to looking...
(Sorry, no pics at this time, I was once again trying to do too many things at once in preparation to leave for the weekend.)
I'll be damned if he doesn't have one knee that is getting big. As in...it looks like calcium deposits...not injury. I thought I was just seeing things. I only really noticed it because I happened to look at him straight on while I was working on his feet. There is no mark, no puffyness, no heat...nothing...it just looks bigger. Another mystery to explore when I get home.
Holy Hell...whatever is in the air that is kicking all of our butts and our horse's butts....Needs to blow on through, cause I don't know how much more we can all take!!!
Oh, bloody hell. So sorry to hear that, BEC. As you say though, keep the options open, and let her become whatever her talent may be.
If she is sound now, and you can envision a career for her other than your original intention, it's not all bad. Life throws us curve balls and we have to make changes to accommodate. She may make a nice show horse, or just be a nice riding horse- and that's a good thing.
I'm so sorry! Your plan for Beretta is my plan for Molly, for now. Only, my husband and I won't ride her. The kids will though, when they're up to speed to handle her under saddle (she tests her riders a bit).
I really hope Bugs' knee turns out to be nothing more than a trick played on you by your eyes.
That is the thing raising them isn't it? you give it your best and sometimes it is just Sh*thouse luck! If she is sound and reamins so , maybe as a addition to the broodmare band?
Damn girl. Not good news all around. I agree, whatever is going around, needs to quit already. Have a good safe trip and tell us all when you get back.
BIG HUGE BUMMER!!! But I so agree these constant blows to lives and horses that seem to be all over the blog world can really move on, I know I am fed up and I know quite a few others that are as well. Have a good safe trip.
Dude. Damn. *sigh*
Ass kicked here too. Kids sick. I'm getting it too.
Least our pony is good-- aside from looking like he is due any minute to foal.
Thinking of you guys- have a good trip. XOXOXOXOX
I'm sorry to hear the official news... even though her original purpose is most likely out of reach now, I'm sure she'll be great at other things. You have a lot of other options, although I know it sucks.
I hope you have a great trip and things start looking up when you get back!
yupe, raising babies has a down side and the more of them you raise, the more chances you get to see that d*mn down side too. It sucks when it happens but sure doesn't out weigh the up side. Don't let it get to you.
Hope you have a good trip.
that sucks! I guess its good you like her and she may be able to do something else. Hope that Bugs knee is nothing. My Dinero has a big knee, I think he got kicked as a baby, but it sure looks ugly.
Damn and double damn... on the plus side at least Beretta has a possibility of being usable in the future, even if its not barrels.
Kinda worrying about my grullo colt, his pastern area looks kinda puffy on both hinds. My farrier is pretty sure it will correct itself. He seems to think its due to long feet.
No frikken kidding it needs to blow through. Enough, already.
I sure hope you'll be able to use Beretta for something.
Suck as it may, at least she has other options as far as future use. Maybe she will make some kid an awesome 4H mount? Or a great broodmare mama? At least she is still around.
The worst part of raising babies is a lot of hope can be flushed down the toilet in a flash. Whoosh.
Have a safe trip and let us know what's going on with the knee.
Once again I'm sorry i know that sucks - I know what it feels like to pin your hopes and dreams on them and for whatever reason it doesn't work out.
But I still think that she might have a promising future in some other event...
Raising babies does suck - but I wouldn't stop doing it either. In fact we may breed both mares this spring...yikes!
You're right - whatever has been in the air this last year has to quit. Too many losses and too many disappointments in the last 12months all around. Guess the old adage is true: when it rains it pours. We're all due some sunny days.
Ewwww....I'm a bit out of the loop, so I have to go back and find out what's going on, but I'm so sorry to hear about the trouble. It's tough to get that nwes.
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