Combined with some of the other plants I saved over the winter and a couple of healthy geraniums that I could not resist, I ended up with some decent looking pots...
I have a few left-overs, as well as the seeds I started myself (some of them are actually sprouting...Yay me)....
I had saved all of my geraniums and asparagus ferns from last year, but made the mistake of leaving the garage door open too long one night when I was doing chores and froze all of them. I left them in the pots, thinking they might come back. Two did. The rest were ka-put. I thought the asparagus ferns were done for too, but they all ended up coming back.
Almost all of the salvage plants I bought last year survived in the garden. Surprising for me. I don't have the greenest thumb. I forget what these were, but they took off a blooming...
Planting everything in the garden last year was convenient, but kind of messed up being able to till it this spring. I'm stuck hand-weeding it, til I can get the flowers moved into other beds. I dunno...some days I think I bit off more than I can chew with this place.
Well, that's my 'break'...time to get back to doing something. Grass needs mowed..again. Still have plenty of weeding. And horses that still need rode. Fun, fun, fun!
Looking pretty. We have so much to do around here. We are going to have to bail our yard soon. Now we got to get a mower, all our stuff is in south dakota so we will be hitting the craigslist someday. Good thing I got that job so I we can do that and get other things paid back:) Have a great time with the garden and the horses:) I need to come watch some more barrel races.
Lovely! I too 'steal' plants from garbage bins, abandoned homes, other gardens and the half price table! I get a lot of enjoyment from 'saving' them. Sometimes it works sometimes they die, but the fun is in the try. Just like breaking horses...
I think it makes for a much prettier garden!
Looking good! You are so right about just wanting some green grass at first, then needing colour...
We are just greening up around here - the grass is starting to come back and the trees are budding. I have a few crocuses flowering, so that is my only colour for a little while. It is still too cold at night to start planting anything!
Your flowers are looking good, way ahead of anything here. I started some veggies and they are coming, but way to cold to keep them outside for a long time yet I think.
Love the color. We are under blizzard conditions again. Just came in from the horses and even they are "cranky" - not normal for them. Jesse stepped on a nail this morning so between a tetanus shot and wearing her 'tennis shoe', she is grumpy! Good luck with all your pretty plants.
Beautiful flowers! I went and bought some today... hopefully they do well this year. I'm going to try my hand at tomatoes, but I'm not holding on to much hope they'll make it. Do you do any veggies, or jsut flowers?
The fact that you can even think about planting flowers makes me a tad jealous....our weather has been so awful. In our area this last month ranked as the second coldest - and the wettest April since they started keeping records... BOOO!
yay for flowers.. one of the things I've loved since I was a little girl planting a zinnia seed in the back yrd.. and noticing moss roses.. I indeed miss lilacs here in the desert along w/ bleeding hearts.. I just came back from camping in the desert and was so happy to see desert blooms.. May your garden flower.. ps have been checking out how to make your own windchimes... like you need another interest.. and I don't either but it sounds like fun :)
Ah, gardening. I just plant bulbs, forget about them, and let them surprise me for a few weeks each spring. My memory is so bad that I forget what's down there until the next spring, and I'm surprised all over again.
Word Verification: blesseds
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