There is nothing wrong with the work truck.
He got home last night, came down to talk to me while I worked a horse, wandered over to the work truck and...
It worked fine!
That is good news...
But I am thoroughly confused.
Ian made me giggle though...Although I never set the parking brake...I had to go check...
Just in case I had inadvertently bumped it when I was messing around waiting for the battery to charge. Now THAT would have made me feel rather silly.
I was safe this time. It wasn't set.
I seem to be going through a faze of vehicular malfunction though...
Yesterday, I tried to use the 4-wheeler to drag my riding area and I couldn't keep it running.
My Honey comes home, fires it up and there is nothing wrong with it for him.
Seriously folks..What the heck?
I went through a period like that for about a year and a half. Torture! Not even my wristwatch (or several replacements) would work!
You weren't holding your mouth right. It's the man-touch thing; stuff doesn't work for me, yet works fine for Ted. At least the only cost was to your pride and not a big repair bill!
Lol, I call that the "Kiss of Death" day. I have those, and I don't touch anything when I know it's going that way. No worries, it shall pass!
You should go watch the adjustment bureau! It makes you look at things like that a little differently!
And my Pop's used to say it's all about the way you hold your mouth:)
I don't know , we had a 4X4 like that here, worked fine for dad and the hired man , but everytime I got in it ,would run fine till i got to the furthest possible corner of the prorery and go splat! left me walking more times than i can count , full tank of gas and all!
That is how it always goes, you tell someone it won't work, they try it and it works. I hate that!! Maybe he has a magic touch and fixed it. Should have had him touch the exploder while it was there:)
just making your Honey feel needed. Men like that I find.
OMFG.... That Geb4 Glock 17 Dear Husband got me not long ago? Yeah... damn thing was a PITA for me-- trigger binding, shooting left left left no matter WHAT I did/ didn't do.. Dear Husband picks it up, drills head shots at 75' with no issues. Guess what--- I no longer have a Geb4 G17. I now have a Ruger SR9c... muwahahahahahahaha
Gremlins. Blame it allllll on Gremlins!!! Damn things.
Err that should be GEN4 not GeB..... time for bed for me!
OK, as one woman who had thirty head of horses to another who tells me she has nearly the same number I do, I don't even have to read the rest of the post to know the answer to that question. SURE, you're crazy, you have a bezillion horses. That makes you certifiable to most just like me. But as for equipment I'm with MM on the trolls. It's just gotta be......
haha that totally happens to me too, but its only fair that hubby has a hard time catching his horse and he just walks up to me, lol
Oooh, your truck has gremlins!!
I have the same problem with our quad. SO many times I went to use it to drag the arena or haul manure and it just wouldn't start. Pie would go out and VROOOM. Know what is an even bigger p!$$ off? He doesn't start it properly and it still starts! I follow all the "proper" procedure and its 50/50.
Give yourself a spritz of your MH's cologne. Tractors and other vehicles DO have a sense of smell.
Another option would be to wear bovine testicles around your ahem, neck.
Or waist, whatever rocks your boat;)
Don't HAVE to be bovine testicles, of course..
Tractors are impressed by size and smell. So, wear heels and get stinky;)
Did you swear at it and beat on it? That usually does the trick for mechanical things.
I know how you feel. Electronics do that to me all the time. They'll work fine for Bad Pants, but not for me. Frustrating!
In response to your original question and title.
Why yes dear, you did. LOL
I agree: it's the man-touch thing. Mr. Fry can fix cars, computers, cell phones, etc. with naught but a touch.
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