Friday, February 18, 2011

If Wishes Were Horses...

If Wishes were horses, this adorable little gelding would be standing in my pasture...

Sorry, bad pics! I went out to start riding my own crew started raining, so I decided to go run a couple errands instead and my little buddy was standing by the road.

I have been fighting the urge to buy this horse since last year. He belongs to one of my neighbors and is for sale. A mere $500. He is registered, but I have no idea what his bloodlines are...and quite frankly don't care, cause...OMG...this little horse is just sooooo freaking cute.

He's a coming 5y/o and the neighbor says he is a sweetheart to handle. He's been saddled and ponied, but he just hasn't gotten around to putting any rides on him. He said he actually bought him as a project horse for his daughter a couple years ago. She's a few years younger than Megan. So I know he must be pretty gentle. He's not the kind of dad to buy some rank sucker for his kid. Unfortunately, he and his wife got divorced and well...We all know how those things go.

I dunno...I keep thinking he would make a good project horse for Megan and I....

Quick...somebody slap me!!!

Anybody else looking for a colorful, registered, gentle, sorta-started, well-taken care of, never-been-abused project horse?

I really need someone to save me from myself because I feel my will-power slipping.


Funder said...

That is a great price for a lightly-started sweet not-abused horse, especially one in your discipline! I could turn down $500 stock horses all day but I'd snap up a $500 gaited youngster... I am trying to not be a Bad Friend and encourage you to get him!

sue said...

well brown eyes.. I am of no help whatsoever!!!! what a cutie!! and just think of what some one like you could do with him.. he would be mighty flashy racing around those barrels of yours!!!! I dunno... I'd go and look at him again.. (see how much help I was he,he,he)

ACountryCowgirl said...

you told me he was cute and he totally is. You need to go over and mess with him some. Ask the neighbor to let you play with him for like a week and see. Never know you may fall in love and have to trade him for one of the others:) Or maybe you will be like no way. I am not much help either:)

Mikey said...

Can I smack you for not buying him already? Girl, git your butt over there! Can't you see he's waiting for you?!!
I REALLY think you should buy him. Get your girl to start him on barrels. I bet he'd smoke right along.

Mrs. Mom said...

Buwahahahaha... Honey don't ask ME to stop you from getting that handsome lil bugger!! I say go for it ;)

Anyone wanna bet we see a post in the near future about how our wonderful BECG gave in to temptation (and MASSES of peer pressure) and went and bought him? *giggle*

Miss you too woman. Been crazy here. Johnny Reb having a real tough time, and when I can steal away the kids and I have been messing with the little red gelding. I'll have to call you and catch up!!

xoxo Miss you guys!!!!!!

Rising Rainbow said...

OH my, don't ask me to buy him, I already have 30 and I'm just too far away. He does have a sweet face, reminds me of my Chance, but the last thing I need is another horse and besides, I'm sorta committed to a different breed but I sure do appreciate a nice horse.

Laura said...

good thing I live far, far away from you. 'Cause I'd beg you to buy him and train him for me.

Sooo, since that won't work, I think you should buy him and post lots of pics on your blog! :-) I would love a nice looking fella like that. And for $500.00? Unless there is something wrong with him - that price is amazing. Even crappy horses here aren't that cheap. I saw someone list a 25 year old lame horse for $1000.00!

(I'm no help at all, I know!)

Maia said...

When you get a feeling like that, run don't walk to his owner and buy him. You won't be sorry.

Vaquerogirl said...

Uh oh! Your blog friends aren't helping you!
I think he is totally a cute pony -especially for that price!
If I were closer...if...if ififfff!!

Angie said...

He would be a great start to finish post on your blog.. We would all love to hear the story but then sometimes we have to realize our limitations and not put too much on our plate. The sign you should purchase is if you can't get em out of your mind(same goes for men LOL)

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to tell you no either. Just think! Blank slate! That doesn't come along very often, you know. Look at me, I have to buy an expensive pup from a responsible breeder in order to get a blank slate. And I'll have spent more on my pup that this boy is going for. Just do it already and make the rest of us happy!


cdncowgirl said...

OOOH I want him!!! But wait, $500 isn't bad but then I'd have to get him here, unless you want to deliver him and come visit? Plus I have 2 colts to train (do NOT know what I was thinking there!! lol)
So, hmm... I could buy him and have you train him. But it would have to be free or really cheap... so you might as well just go ahead and buy him bwahahahha

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

I got one word for you guys...Enablers!!

I was giggling so hard reading your comments. I should have known. :-)

Well at least I know my prospect-detector isn't broken. LMAO. If you guys all like him, he may well be worth the investment as a re-sell project.

Kristen said...

I'd say go for it and pick him up! I bet he'd even take $400.... and really, what's one more horse? ;)

in2paints said...

He's super cute! I love his face... and you didn't really think we would tell you not to buy him, did you?

Anonymous said...

He obviously likes you right back! He's wondering why you haven't taken him home yet!

Lotsa help, huh?

IanH said...

We found a 4 year old Appaloosa for $400.00 that turned out to be the best horse that I've come across. She was abused, neglected and only had a bridle on in 4 years. Now she is trusting, gentle and a great horse to ride. I wanted to call her "Sausage" 'cause that was where she was going. Her name is BIZ so it was a little late to change it. (Just kidding)
What are you waiting for? Go get 'er.

Leah Fry said...

He's super cute. I can only imagine how nice he'll look when he's shed out and groomed up. Boy howdy!

cdncowgirl said...

IanH's comment reminds me of a guy that used to come on the trail rides... rode an awesome horse named Canner, because that's where he was headed. He also had a horse named Seymour, because he was tall and when you were on him you could see more.

Unknown said...

Put me down on the enabler list. If I didn't board, I'd be headed your way to load him up!

I have a thing for painted geldings. Reminds me of Cody... Minus 20+ years!

Chelsi said...

OMG!!! You people are the worst enablers I've ever seen!! lol (jk). Ok, so, I know me= pot, you= kettle but still! I gotta say "step away from the horse!" *firmly pointed finger and hard stare* now listen here missy! No more ponies! Or no more ponies until you can go a week without being stressed about gettin' the ones you've got rode. :) I think that made sense? kinda... think of the ones you have now that need started, or miles.

... and now, if you are anything like me, you will now want him twice as bad for having been told no! lol ... so throw me on the enablers list

Shirley said...

I think you just about have him in your pasture by now from all that peer pressure! I think he's be a great short term project horse; you could put a month or two on him and sell him for a tidy profit.