Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Enjoying The Sun

Oohhhh...this sun feels soooo good...
Oh! Hi...
Hey...Rub my belly...
Wait...was that a mouse?...
Megan's cat is such a goob!


Laura said...

what a cutie! Cats love hay and the sun - too funny!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Too cute ! I was waiting for the lline form the pedigree comercial"No ,seriously,rub my belly"

ACountryCowgirl said...

Love it!!! So cute:)

Rising Rainbow said...

I see blue sky in the background. Gee I nearly forgot what that looked like. Thanks for the reminder.

Now, since I am a serious cat lover, you can see how deprived of sunlight I have become when I notice the sky first and the very cute kitty antics second. LOL

Kristen said...

too cute! We've finally got some good temps around here, even up to the 50's, but we haven't seen the sun in awhile so it's foggy all day and doesn't feel too warm. Instead of going out and enjoying the days I end up wanting to lay on the couch with a movie all day! lol

hey, did you see my last post? Skip to the bottom paragraph, I have a question for horse people! :)

from the Lady Philosopher said...

So much fun!

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Those are fun photos in part due to their perspective. The tree and the barn in the background really add to it.

GunDiva said...

I so felt that way yesterday. Went home to wait for the cable guy, saw a beig sun splotch on the living room carpet and it was all I could do NOT to embrace my feline side and stretch out in it. There's nothing like basking in a perfect sun beam.

Meg's cat is a smart one! It's Colorado, there's always another storm on the way, so he's just enjoying it while he can.

Amber said...

Simply adorable!

Shirley said...

That's pretty cute! We got a little sun today too and my old cat was laying on the hay in the sun.

Anonymous said...

Cute kitty!

Funder said...

I agree with GunDiva - cat knows a storm's coming!

GoLightly said...

jeeesh, BEC, look what the cat dragged in..

Is this guy channeling the Guess Who, or what??

American woman, let me beeee, American woman, gotta set me freee.
SOMEone didn't get laid for Valentines...
too funny.

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

Ahahahah-This dude is making his way around. He's an Angry Squirrel!!!

Danielle Michelle said...

Angry Squirrel! BTW - how is your squirrel?

Love the kitty! I REALLY need to get out taking pics of the barnyard. Maybe if the wond stops blowing this weekend.

I too have the cutting bug. How fun is that?! I so wish I had some more money to invest to do it more (and everything else). MUST save.

Glad you had a good clinic. There's nothing better then taking out a ton of great info from something you are passionate about!

BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

He's good DM. Not so much an Angry Squirrel anymore. He's been doing a really good imitation of Cute Squirrel lately. I guess we will keep him-LOL.