I have been so busy with yardwork at the new place that I gave the horses a few days off.
They are enjoying the fruits of my hard work on the irrigation...
Seems a shame to have worked this hard to get the whole pasture to irrigate and we'll simply end up tearing it up next spring and replanting. But I sure have learned a lot about irrigating-LOL.
Come Monday, this guy will go back to work...
Who me? Naw, I much prefer the life of pasture ornament.
We have a barrel racing next Thursday. Moon has been doing much better on his pattern, so hopefully we can sneek a smooth run in and be back on track.
Frosty has been doing well...
No more major blow-ups. Whew! I don't think I could take being pile-drived by this big guy on a regular basis. I know his belly still looks big in this picture and we do have more work to do to get that pulled up, but my goodness he is looking and moving soooo much better. He's also starting to lope the barrel pattern. I do believe there is a barrel horse to be made here. He's sure enough bred for it. I'm just kind of leary of asking him to really run because I'm a bit afraid that he may turn the barrel and break in half coming out of it. Once we get past that, I think he is going to really nice. :)
I'm quite astounded at how this horse is shaping up...
Jet...aka-Legs...aka..That Thoroughbred Colt...is really turning into a mouthwatering prospect...
Jet really isn't a TB. He's registered QH...not even Appendix. But boy howdy, does he show every inch of his TB running blood or what? I need to stick him, but I'm pretty confident he is at least 16.2HH. He towers over Rip(Megan's blue roan) and I sticked Rip at 15.3HH. Anyway, he's much, MUCH taller than I really like my horses to be. However, he is getting to be so darn well-balanced and nicely put together that I will forgive him his exaggerated height.
Anyway, I still haven't gotten him started under saddle, but being busy with so many other projects, I have kind of held off until I can keep going with him when I do start working with him...other than the normal daily catching, grooming, etc. He sure is proving to be a nice, willing horse to work with. He's not flighty or spooky about anything really. He much prefers to stop and stare at anything new until he figures it out, then it's almost like he shrugs his shoulders, says "Oh, okay" and moves on. I am looking forward to getting him riding though...can't you just see this guy kicking butt in a HUS class?
Me too. Next year! That's our plans. And I may start him lightly over fences as well. He'll be a 6y/o, so plenty mature for that. He'll also start barrel horse training. I don't know if he can turn, but I know he can run.
I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday weekend. We don't have much planned...except working around the places and getting in a motorcycle ride. My Honey actually has the weekend off! Whooo-Hoooo!!!! Poor guy has worked 21 days straight.
Happy 4th everyone and God Bless all of the men and women who have fought and died for our Independence!!!!!!
Yeah, keeping a decent pasture is a lot of hard work. My horses destroy mine so quickly. Thanks for your advice on the trailering. That was one idea I had never thought about. Happy 4th.
Your horses look wonderful , some very drool worthy ponies! And what beautiful country! HAve a wonderful weekend and enjoy some time with your sweetie
I covet that luscious grazing. We don't have much, and what we do have is nubs at the moment.
Happy Independence day, BEC, sorry I'm late, the situation is worsening.
And my laptop is really wonky, aGain.
Anyway, totally, totally drooling over big bay.
Yup, if he's interested, and has the form over fences, you've got a gorgeous beastie for that "other" discipline.
Thanks for coming over to my blog!
Ooooh BEC! Beautiful horses, and I'm loving your ability to explain barrels so we...
Huh. What happened to the two ells in well?!
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