Still winter in the mountains...
And I got the joy of driving right into a typical Eastern CO/NE spring storm. Hail...
We survived. The pickup only ended up with one hail ping and the trailer escaped unscathed. Thank goodness.
Thanks to the weather, the trip took extra time and I had some tired ponies when I reached mom's place.
Everyone recovered just fine though and Strawberry was being such a little freak about the mares that were in heat, we promptly hauled him out and dumped his butt in the pasture.
Beretta really liked hanging out under mom's barn...
I may have waffled back and forth about whether I liked this little girl a bit over the winter, but I sure don't have any major complaints about her now...
This yahoo remembered immediately that inside this barn is where he got grained...
Sorry bub...your grain days are over for a while. It's grandma's lushious, magical grass for you.
So he decided to go get acquainted with his new running buddy instead...
I'm going to miss my babies, but it is so, so wonderful for them to get to spend the summer living out in big country. I know mom will take wonderful care of them too.
One day is all I got to spend though. I had to turn around and head back to CO.
Ooohhhh did the wind ever blow those two days. Gahhhhh!
I waited it out until sunset and headed out. I don't mind driving at night and when it gets hot, I actually think the horses travel better then. I drove until I couldn't anymore, pulled off for a couple hours snooze in the trailer and got back on the road.
The sunrise was beautiful...
I didn't make much headway hauling horses back to SD though. My intention was to get Strawberry and the two youngsters out of my way and pick up another horse to get seasoned on barrels.
I ended up bringing a motley crue back to Colorado with me though.
Mighty Mouse, the pony came...
At the last minute, I decided I had better bring Gunner with me too...
Gunner is gentle, but he is not broke to lead, nor good about having his feet handled. Meg and I will get that remedied in no time, so I can get this guy's toes whipped into shape as well. Gunner's legs straightened up, but his toes are long and he has a difficult time standing straight. His legs are much like Beretta's were, without the lumpy joint issue. We will have him fixed up in no time though as all he really needs is trimmed and balanced a couple of times and he will be right as rain.
Finally, there is the horse I had intended to bring back...
Normally, I don't especially like to have to drive all the way home and not have time to actually get anything done...lord knows there is a ka-jillion things that need to be done...
But My Honey and I had other plans for this Memorial Day weekend...
Boy ! I don't envy you that drive! Nice looking babies , they will do so well on lush green pastures.
And you are a biker gal too?looks like a lot of fun
Sounds like you had a very busy weekend. I sure hate hail storms.
My goodness girl!! I can't believe you did that much driving in such a short time!! I wanna see some more pics of Turk!! And Oh Gunner is looking mighty handsome!!!
Glad you got back to have a nice Memorial Day weekend with your Honey! Glad you had fun!
Did you say WIND in CO? Huh? Wind? Really? lol - are you about done with it yet because it's making me (and the horses) nuts!
Gald you had a fairly uneventful road trip! I actually like hauling horses - call me wierd.
Some really cool photos! I loved the side mirror sunset one. Thanks for sharing.
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